Yang Zhifei Chen Yali Luo Hu Peng Zhenxun Wang Zen
Proceedings of the ... International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. Book of abstracts : ICONE
vol.2015, no.23, pp."ICONE23-1266-1"-"ICONE23-1266-4", 2015-05-17

The development of smart support system is to meet the urgent needs and strengthen requirements for the training and application for Full-Scope Severe Accident Management Guidelines (FSSAMG) among utilities, nuclear regulators and research and development (R&D) institute. One of the lessons learned after Fukushima accident is that the existing Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMGs) used in Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) are not sufficient to cope with site wide catastrophic event. Therefore, the development of a full scope SAMGs that update and extend the guidelines to include comprehensive plant conditions and portable equipment is necessary. The smart support system is to alleviate the effort and challenges that encountered in FSSAMG validation, application and training. Besides, it provides intuitive insights to severe accident progression and guidelines execution, and thus to support the decision-making and mitigate the accident consequences.