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How many bodies found in Nanking? According to the burial record by Red Swastika Society(紅卍会) recognized by Western safety committee, the female & child body rate was only
@alpha_starfox @CpgUwAUTee4DPoa @G01241397 @IAmDouglasKim @AlaricNaude @ScottyIsAbroad @trashman_coming I think that you may know a CHINESE civic group 世界紅卍字会 counted dead bodies in Nanking for back then. And the number is not so huge. The first page is 2203. You can try to count how many people died actually. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3 https://t.co/sCtHNGvQnd
@XQrpb @olivia_zeng @DhawanPrasant Do you know a *CHINESE* civic group counted dead bodies in Nanking for back then? Where is 300,000? I can't find such huge number on this paper. Nanking Incident ≠ Nanking Massacre Some of people tell a lie for money even now.
@R67L5JjjWxoLMWx Nanking death toll was counted by a CHINESE civic group. And the death toll number is not huge...Where is 300,000 dead bodies?
@CastorNSFW The Red Cross-like group "Red Swastika Society"that disposed of the bodies recorded that 0.3 percent were women and children Originally, it was anti-Japanese propaganda co-produced by the US and the KMT, which is now being used by the CCP https://t.co/AQ2PzbACe0
@WAO_Autland 「日本軍の従軍僧侶団」とは何を指していますか? もしかして「紅卍字会」のことですか? これであれば道教系の地元の慈善団体で、日本軍が埋葬作業を委託していた団体です。埋葬数は4.3万ですが、戦災での遺体数であり虐殺犠牲者数という扱いではありません。 https://t.co/bMGf3SzoLZ
@guochengyu8 That is why I already shared you CHINESE REPORT
@Michael65734126 @ARYAH1128 @XiaoWula123 @SHERYL_FRONTIER @cupnood68142680 @YuungWuu028 @underby3 @lunaanulziji @Askrlfess This is the real report by CHINESE
@Michael65734126 @ARYAH1128 @XiaoWula123 @SHERYL_FRONTIER @cupnood68142680 @YuungWuu028 @underby3 @lunaanulziji @Askrlfess And the report has 5 pages https://t.co/1AZ5H6PIF3
@Michael65734126 @ARYAH1128 @XiaoWula123 @SHERYL_FRONTIER @cupnood68142680 @YuungWuu028 @underby3 @lunaanulziji @Askrlfess 300,000 was made up by CHINESE. You can count real death toll from this *Chinese civic group* report. The first page is 2203, by the way
@shibagoroko あれ、そうなんですか?私も南京事件はあったと思っているので、全部を否定はしませんが、流石に30万は盛り過ぎだと思います。例のアメリカ骨董商のツイのレスに、中国アカウントから、1万体の遺体も見つかっていない、というような書き込みがありましたが、そうすると、 https://t.co/1AZ5H6PIF3
@CGMeifangZhang @_MFAChina @patr1ot_p @GundamNorthrop @PplFuture Hopefully, China will fix strange death toll of Nanking as soon as possible. I think that a Chinese civic group 世界紅卍字会 南京分會救援隊埋葬班埋葬死体数統計表 report is the correct number. As you can see, I am sure you can count it. https://t.co/1AZ5H6PIF3 https://t.co/t7xYemHR7l
@Redfield0115 I say it was Nanking *INCIDENT*. Because a Chinese civic group counted dead bodies in Nanking. Tell me where 300,000 on their report? You can count it now https://t.co/1AZ5H6PIF3 https://t.co/Xbo2GxA5T0
@afuleer8 @SHERYL_FRONTIER 私はこれ読めるんだけど? 中国語なのにwww https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3 https://t.co/H3gi8LjHy4
@afuleer8 @SHERYL_FRONTIER @Lilith_love_u @ARYAH1128 @lucketing @XiaoWula123 @cupnood68142680 @YuungWuu028 @underby3 @lunaanulziji @Askrlfess https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3 見に行けばいいじゃん。 https://t.co/yhnBzOqkOB
@zhulingyun10 @ARYAH1128 @XiaoWula123 @SHERYL_FRONTIER @cupnood68142680 @YuungWuu028 @underby3 @lunaanulziji @Askrlfess You can count this report if you say so. A CHINESE civic group 世界紅卍字会 counted dead bodies in NANKING. Please tell me after finish to count of these 5 pages. The first page is 2203. I counted it already https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3 https://t.co/2yYfQdoOYC
@QSusushi @Wefoundloveina2 @ZDChan_ @TomWrightAsia @BFMradio Count it https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@QSusushi Yeah, I know YOU are shameful person. Count it asap https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3 https://t.co/msngFg3lVM
@QSusushi @Wefoundloveina2 @ZDChan_ @TomWrightAsia @BFMradio It sounds like you are trying to ignoring Chinese evidence for back then/ As I said, CHINESE people counted dead bodies in NANKING. Why don't you count the death toll by yourself. It's easy, isn't it? 埋葬死体数統計表 https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3 https://t.co/gXuofbYFMd
@QSusushi @Wefoundloveina2 @ZDChan_ @TomWrightAsia @BFMradio Yeah, like this. This is a CHINESE evidence. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3 世界紅卍字會南京分會救援隊埋葬班埋葬死体数統計表 https://t.co/dfbemsQBJg
@Lyla82111569 @Askrlfess hah? you can count it directly.
@Lyla82111569 @Askrlfess Did you check this link? You can see all 5 pages https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@Lyla82111569 @Askrlfess A Chinese civic group 世界紅卍字会 counted dead bodies in Nanking. You can count it again now. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3 https://t.co/hS6O9IrLOO
@kuchinashino87 提示できますよ。南京の被害者数でさえ、このように一般公開されているんですから。
@EileenM71244655 @GuoTsinghua @thinking_panda @labaccount_app https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@EileenM71244655 @GuoTsinghua @thinking_panda @labaccount_app 由于需要劳动力成本,红卍字会等人埋葬的尸体数量被夸大了。亚洲大学 东中野教授估计墓葬的实际数量为 14,000 人,其中大部分是在行动中阵亡的中国士兵。 他声称自己是一名被处决的披着斗篷的士兵。 https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3 https://t.co/sM3vlI2CyH
@EileenM71244655 @GuoTsinghua @thinking_panda @labaccount_app How many people died on this paper? Tell me the number ( I can count it) https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3 https://t.co/4k05ag7x5w
@EileenM71244655 @GuoTsinghua @thinking_panda @labaccount_app The death toll is counted by a CHINESE civic group in Nanking. You can check this report. Where is 300,000? https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3 https://t.co/AtozfuQ5uu
@HaoQiXinShiZu @peter38622914 @CGMeifangZhang You need to know a CHINESE civic group "世界紅卍字会" counted death toll in Nanking. This is their report. The first page death toll is 2203, and it has only 5 pages. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@HikeBabyHike @thesithlord66 @adeodatus_ukr @sssal33 @CGMeifangZhang If you want to know real dead bodies in Nanking, there is a list what CHINESE civic group counted. This CHINESE report has 5 pages, and the first page death toll is 2203. (I counted now) https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3 https://t.co/UsdodySkkb
@HeLuoZanDe @NanXian49066174 @bsmagic @kyriezhao2 というか、中国人が遺体数をカウントした記録が今も残っているんだけどね...
@HeLuoZanDe @bsmagic 世界紅卍字會南京分會救援隊埋葬班埋葬死体数統計表 の死体数はそんなにいない
@sorensen_j9 National Archives can't prove anything if they don't publish evidences for back then. Like this. https://t.co/1AZ5H6PaPv https://t.co/qyLvLmAHtK
@vipherz @beanz_cake If you want to know real death toll, here is real data. It was counted by a CHINESE civic group in Nanking. I calculated now, and the first page was 2203. It has 5 pages by the way. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@sorensen_j9 @Anacampseros @Nausicaa4_ @HugoAgogogogo @BadKitt23693407 @KazueMatsumura @LadyPoop2 @Williams1Isabel @Pmac89360732 @AaronTa67472031 @Tokidok42078559 @TedTratt @pw19751 @BandyTez @OcarinaJones @JewsDownUnder @KColdrey @gcLaborista @FabioViagarra @Conservatismisa @12moreboosters @BankstownBoy64 @Lukestruth @DJGothWhitlam @AndreBassi1 @Rachael07384347 @FatherBob @CarlDeplorable @_latenightlogic @gtwarrior47 @TheWhogg @lifeandlarder @RusSprouts @WhosFibbing @WayneTKing @theblackeffect7 @BoilieO @isaacfloyd13 @Smile__Petal @Maximum_Rider1 @GailClifford7 @Cranky_Old_Guy @TheRealDrWING @beamailuc @PW_Arts @ev42512B @FieldNovak @Dizruptor1 @RyanWil62993886 @browncoat5757 Again, this is real death toll in Nanking. Count it instead of the excuses https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@arknthrowaway @ink_ika @sorensen_j9 @Anacampseros @LadyPoop2 @Williams1Isabel @Pmac89360732 @AaronTa67472031 @Tokidok42078559 @TedTratt @HugoAgogogogo @pw19751 @BandyTez @OcarinaJones @JewsDownUnder @KColdrey @gcLaborista @FabioViagarra @Conservatismisa @12moreboosters @BankstownBoy64 @Lukestruth @DJGothWhitlam @AndreBassi1 @Rachael07384347 @FatherBob @CarlDeplorable @_latenightlogic @gtwarrior47 @TheWhogg @lifeandlarder @RusSprouts @WhosFibbing @WayneTKing @theblackeffect7 @BoilieO @isaacfloyd13 @Smile__Petal @Maximum_Rider1 @GailClifford7 @Cranky_Old_Guy @TheRealDrWING @beamailuc @PW_Arts @ev42512B @FieldNovak @Dizruptor1 @RyanWil62993886 @browncoat5757 @captainswingAU Do you know a CHINESE civic group counted dead bodies in Nanking? This is the real evidence. In the first page, death toll is 2203. I've just counted now. The report has 5 pages by the way. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3 https://t.co/IhmvKYVaVm
@sorensen_j9 @KazueMatsumura @HugoAgogogogo @Nausicaa4_ @Anacampseros @LadyPoop2 @Williams1Isabel @Pmac89360732 @AaronTa67472031 @Tokidok42078559 @TedTratt @pw19751 @BandyTez @RMDLTD1 @OcarinaJones @JewsDownUnder @KColdrey @gcLaborista @FabioViagarra @Conservatismisa @12moreboosters @BankstownBoy64 @Lukestruth @DJGothWhitlam @AndreBassi1 @Rachael07384347 @FatherBob @CarlDeplorable @_latenightlogic @gtwarrior47 @TheWhogg @lifeandlarder @RusSprouts @WhosFibbing @WayneTKing @theblackeffect7 @BoilieO @isaacfloyd13 @Smile__Petal @Maximum_Rider1 @GailClifford7 @Cranky_Old_Guy @TheRealDrWING @beamailuc @PW_Arts @ev42512B @FieldNovak @Dizruptor1 @RyanWil62993886 @browncoat5757 I high recommend showing this to your husband. I think that he can count how many people died in Nanking https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@sorensen_j9 @KazueMatsumura @HugoAgogogogo @Nausicaa4_ @Anacampseros @LadyPoop2 @Williams1Isabel @Pmac89360732 @AaronTa67472031 @Tokidok42078559 @TedTratt @pw19751 @BandyTez @RMDLTD1 @OcarinaJones @JewsDownUnder @KColdrey @gcLaborista @FabioViagarra @Conservatismisa @12moreboosters @BankstownBoy64 @Lukestruth @DJGothWhitlam @AndreBassi1 @Rachael07384347 @FatherBob @CarlDeplorable @_latenightlogic @gtwarrior47 @TheWhogg @lifeandlarder @RusSprouts @WhosFibbing @WayneTKing @theblackeffect7 @BoilieO @isaacfloyd13 @Smile__Petal @Maximum_Rider1 @GailClifford7 @Cranky_Old_Guy @TheRealDrWING @beamailuc @PW_Arts @ev42512B @FieldNovak @Dizruptor1 @RyanWil62993886 @browncoat5757 As I attached you already, a CHINESE civic group counted dead bodies in Nanking. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@sorensen_j9 @HugoAgogogogo @Nausicaa4_ @Anacampseros @LadyPoop2 @Williams1Isabel @Pmac89360732 @AaronTa67472031 @Tokidok42078559 @TedTratt @pw19751 @BandyTez @RMDLTD1 @OcarinaJones @JewsDownUnder @KColdrey @gcLaborista @FabioViagarra @Conservatismisa @12moreboosters @BankstownBoy64 @Lukestruth @DJGothWhitlam @AndreBassi1 @Rachael07384347 @FatherBob @CarlDeplorable @_latenightlogic @gtwarrior47 @TheWhogg @lifeandlarder @RusSprouts @WhosFibbing @WayneTKing @theblackeffect7 @BoilieO @isaacfloyd13 @Smile__Petal @Maximum_Rider1 @GailClifford7 @Cranky_Old_Guy @TheRealDrWING @beamailuc @PW_Arts @ev42512B @FieldNovak @Dizruptor1 @RyanWil62993886 @browncoat5757 @captainswingAU I often go to National Library in Tokyo. Here's the dead toll in Nanking what a Chinese civic group counted. According to this, 300,000 people didn't die. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@DvCMxvc4DwdDP8a @londonbel0w I have never ever seen such death toll. This is the death toll what a Chinese civic group counted. Count it ASAP https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@tt26544690 @mingche09178494 @jingua7002 @zamu_o @JamaicanJihadi Real death toll is here
@llj070510 @dk41326 @tt26544690 @WumaoAlert ここに死者数をカウントした集計があるから、数えてみなよ
@Letsnotgetleban @ItsBCJim @xelx89 @thxngs @notziora If you are interested in real death toll, you can count from this. The dead bodies were counted by a CHINESE civic group. And this is the report. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@davidhuntie Check this report if you can. I don't need to talk to people who can't understand primary documents. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@londonbel0w Why you are so stupid?
@londonbel0w Just tell me the number.
@londonbel0w How long have I waiting for you? 24 hours? https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@londonbel0w Count quick! https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@londonbel0w Why can't you count this report? No skills? https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@londonbel0w How long have I wait for your result? 10 hours? https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@londonbel0w Did you count real evidence? https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@londonbel0w I think that you must check real evidence. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@londonbel0w How long have I wait for your result? https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@londonbel0w When will you finish counting this report? https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@londonbel0w Did you count this? https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@raweceek_ @xelx89 @thxngs @notziora Real report by Chinese is here. Just count asap. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@podca_s A Chinese civic group counted dead bodies in Nanking. I can't find such large number from this report. Please count it if you are interested. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@londonbel0w Let me know when you finish to count the death toll. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@londonbel0w Let me know when you finish to count the death toll. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@londonbel0w People who can't read Chinese characters including Koreans still do believe CCP's propaganda. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3 世界紅卍字會 南京分會救援隊 埋葬班埋葬死体数統計表 Good luck believing bullshit
@imitatesgrimes @xelx89 @thxngs @notziora Can you count it? https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@imitatesgrimes @xelx89 @thxngs @notziora Count here. It is important report https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@imitatesgrimes @xelx89 @thxngs @notziora Count this. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@imitatesgrimes @xelx89 @thxngs @notziora Here you are. National library of Japan has it https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@fawfulfan [2] According to the burial record by Red Swastika Society(紅卍会) recognized by Western safety committee, the female & child body rate among total abt 43000 burials was only
@redhaldor @HuntingdonGoose @RoyalMan1109 @FullNam88340203 @WWIIpix Then try harder. Japanese war writer? Read again, they are professors. Burial record by Chinese red swastika, recognized by westerners in Nanking. They counted male男, female女, child小児 in three rows. https://t.co/nSy4JJyHSt https://t.co/mhV7DM1pko
@JungSabit @patriotismforJP @Frankisalegend1 @myraemacdonald Burial record by Chinese red swastika, recognized by westerns in Nanking. But Bates was a fool, not knowing they counted male男, female女, child小児 in three rows. https://t.co/nSy4JJyHSt https://t.co/mhV7DM1pko
@prshrine ・世界紅卍会南京分会救援隊等による埋葬記録 ・事件の範囲や期間が定められずに数の議論がなされ、極端かつ粗雑な否定論も横行したが、現代史専門の大学研究者で事件それ自体の否定論者は殆どいない ・兵士の記録のさらなる発掘、日中や第3国人の資料の相互参照は今後の課題 https://t.co/TD6inGiH2M
@epak23 Again, you can calculate if you say so. I don't need to care about people who can't understand old real documents. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@epak23 I already sent the real data. You just can't understand it https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@epak23 @vvTxD4MuFgYcvPA This is exactly primary source, by the way. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@epak23 This data came from the US, Okay?
@epak23 Yeah, that is why I can find this report, but you can't find this https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@epak23 Look who's talking. Only English you can understand? https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@epak23 So how many people dead in Nanjing? https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@epak23 @lichenpatchkid @HirokoTabuchi Google is just a company, results are not prove anything real. Are you okay? Real is here. Why do you ignore the real? https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@epak23 @lichenpatchkid @HirokoTabuchi Horrible is the US. A Chinese civic group counted dead bodies in Nanjing, and it not so huge. You can calculate. Check the amount line. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@DKayakuda @aino87445630 @CrymsonDawn @_Truth_Speaker_ @tokyojink @thisreallyis @CarolineEChoi1 @BrundageRobert @oneandonlyjoyce @SmithaKhorana @eco_words @ashponders @DantheClamMan @uneasy_octopus @IlkkaIlmo @DScottCarll @oldoldtreptow @wowieezowie @ToranomonTribe @kokushaai If you want to say it, other countries must ban their flags first. The US actually hides own war crimes, and they made up "Nanjing Massacre" when the Tokyo trial. The dead bodies counted by a CHINESE civic group, and it was not so huge. Here's data.↓ https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3 https://t.co/jPQv1nwphk
@NBarton @ajphelo Here is real death toll in Nanjing. Chinese civic group counted dead bodies in Nanjing. It was few actually. The first page was 2203 people. So total is more less than 10000. Nanjing Massacre was made up by China and the US to hide their war crimes https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@Lifeform089276 @az_hanza The dead bodies were counted by a CHINESE civic group members for back then. Are you clear? https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@Lifeform089276 @az_hanza Nanjing Massacre was made up the US and China when the Tokyo trial. The reason why, they needed to reason to say they were right. Therefore, Nanjing death toll is 300,000 (more than the atomic bombs victims). But real death toll is more less than 10,000 https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@Lifeform089276 @az_hanza That is why I shared you real death toll report. You just can't understand it. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@Lifeform089276 @az_hanza This is perfect evidence what CCP is liar https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@Lifeform089276 @az_hanza The first page death toll is 2203 people tho. I calculated now. I don't think 300,000 people dead in Nanjing. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@Lifeform089276 @az_hanza As I shared, this is real Nanjing death toll data. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@Lifeform089276 @az_hanza Here's the real data https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@taffy18061379 @xinmengmeng1 @BohumK I never think so. https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@taffy18061379 @xinmengmeng1 @BohumK You must know there are no 300,000 people https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@taffy18061379 @xinmengmeng1 @BohumK https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@taffy18061379 @xinmengmeng1 @BohumK That is you https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@taffy18061379 @xinmengmeng1 @BohumK https://t.co/1AZ5H76LH3
@t8bX75htnM6IPxN 《紅卍字会の埋葬記録は、以下の東京裁判に提出された資料がある。 法廷証番号326: 世界紅卍字会南京分会救援隊埋葬班埋葬死体数統計表 https://t.co/5ZZh81soXQ》 台湾228事件でも大陸には敵を埋葬すると云う事がない為正確な人数は不明です。 中身を読んで貰えば丁寧な分析が読めるでしょう。
@YuCheng31755232 紅卍字会の埋葬記録における女性と子供の比率は0.3%ですね。埋葬地も激戦地が多いですよ。 法廷証番号326: 世界紅卍字会南京分会救援隊埋葬班埋葬死体数統計表 https://t.co/bMGf3ShfxR
@rantanjack @hinatanococo いや、そういう次元の話ではありません。紅卍字会の記録にそう書いてありますね、と言ってるだけです。城外埋葬分の備考欄に《城内各箇所に在りしものを納棺》と書いてあるのがありますよね。全ページ見てください。 世界紅卍字会南京分会救援隊埋葬班埋葬死体数統計表 https://t.co/bMGf3ShfxR https://t.co/WGCO3UDuRM
@rantanjack @hinatanococo いや、違います。 34という数字は《女性と子供の城内収容かつ城内埋葬》分だけです。城内の女性と子供に着目しても、他に《城内収容かつ城外埋葬》があります。最初のページなら添付画像の青で囲った部分です。 世界紅卍字会南京分会救援隊埋葬班埋葬死体数統計表 https://t.co/bMGf3ShfxR https://t.co/7L9aw3HHdV
@rantanjack @hinatanococo @yascosan @ruiruizombie @nihonjintamasii 違います。 むしろ、水間氏の史料解釈には誤りがあると指摘している者です。そもそも、紅卍字会の埋葬記録はネットですぐ見ることができます。 世界紅卍字会南京分会救援隊埋葬班埋葬死体数統計表 https://t.co/bMGf3ShfxR https://t.co/sJpKsUDqMF
@guchinandayo @chang__air 一点だけ、横から失礼します。 紅卍字会の埋葬記録では、合計が43,071体。女性と子供の合計は129体です。従いまして、合計に占める女性と子供の比率は0.3%となります。 世界紅卍字会南京分会救援隊埋葬班埋葬死体数統計表 https://t.co/bMGf3ShfxR https://t.co/Gshvw3HAyV
@Coffee1145 @subutanon @tantantantany @kumadai_egao 記事中に全部リンク貼ってあるのに無視するのですか? 例えば、 War Damage in the Nanking area Dec. 1937 to Mar. 1938 https://t.co/CGMFbSphzH 法廷証第326号: 世界紅卍字會南京分會救援隊埋葬班埋葬死体数統計表 https://t.co/bMGf3ShfxR
@Bo_San_2D @qqolea @MG69NL @penguin3001 @KKnanking @DMF31S_370ps @zoFtG0Jg3rJQ8Np @GR25NKL @makotodeth @xtxeNnqF @tim123456789021 @tomoyuki12151 @udongurai123 @MituzoJ @kikikikikiwwwww @Pooh_advanced @kakitubata14 @satoponda @yukon453 @vxf9alMy6sn74g4 @haebaru @noharra @0Qa2VrDhT8wvuKU @fab4wings @syouyusenshi @reiyama32 @asylofsoul @daitaiyane_ @x18008fxxkoff @pixy11616316 @OM4576557261 @Auntie8chobori @paruko020044291 @shishinosenzi @hirohir00010018 @beruhaneko5 @jupiterthunder_ @jimejimekato @ekesete1 @online_checker @9takipons @udongurai_ @abcarelu @GIN012345 @nana77rey1 @hakobune4 @hikari_tsukasa @tSK2oKV8Qd8G6d4 @tokugona44 @mfuji1 紅卍字会の埋葬記録に軍人/市民の区分はないですよ。あるのは、男/女/小児、の3つです。もちろん、死因などの情報はありません。 世界紅卍字会南京分会救援隊埋葬班埋葬死体数統計表 https://t.co/bMGf3ShfxR https://t.co/WsmhBo0ZdI
@MashiMaroMP @aiyoutianyi @Wusangui2 @Luke5399 @moniesoke @Dp7230 @fuuuuukka @jizhounangaomei @John278643861 @Tangfu1 https://t.co/e6aEhq10No 推翻 你先問一下這個法庭紀錄 是什 ?
@MashiMaroMP @aiyoutianyi @Wusangui2 @Luke5399 @moniesoke @Dp7230 @fuuuuukka @jizhounangaomei @John278643861 @Tangfu1 不是貼了 埋葬紀錄? https://t.co/YPchb5wxn8
留個記號 日本保存的南京紅十字會 在屠殺當時 埋葬屍體 的法庭資料 https://t.co/YPchb5wxn8
@subutanon @aiyoutianyi @Wusangui2 @Luke5399 @moniesoke @Dp7230 @fuuuuukka @jizhounangaomei @John278643861 @Tangfu1 not a book https://t.co/YPchb5wxn8
@yatagawaosamu その"1793"は、「城内埋葬」だけの数字ではないでしょうか。他にも、「城内収容&城外埋葬」があります。下記資料でご確認ください。 世界紅卍字会南京分会救援隊埋葬班埋葬死体数統計表 https://t.co/bMGf3ShfxR https://t.co/ivpKNgPgah
@Bo_San_2D @qqolea @GRiCcHu07KtIFEW @gintatakamatu @takej9S9YPrCit8 @subutanon @foresight1974 @beruhaneko5 @xtxeNnqF @hororon7 @jupiterthunder_ @lily95595 @aisurutowa @Michael65721791 @tokugona44 @Pooh_advanced @pixy11616316 @Lucifer_lol @USK_Sato @noharra @tomoe_0ct3 @mainitiyudoufu @yukon453 @syouyusenshi @MD9NEQJGz1dowuM @kakitubata14 @vsO64Pt66wpS8tU @karisome6 @bkwankzyru @MituzoJ @dostajebilo0304 @tim123456789021 @KKnanking @DSTpnWVytBDmK1a @tonkohroh @kurokisi5121 @nato630 @yuuugiiii @eunos_mx005 @palcalady @sfc_Taieki1968 @wcFYt58wdvkUWWt @SolitudeEp @madogarasu @ekesete1 @UKakao @naoyan1973jp @edotomin @Hiro126126 @fab4wings 少なくとも紅卍字会の記録には、市民と兵士の区分はないですね。あるのは「男/女/子」の区分だけ。 世界紅卍字会南京分会救援隊埋葬班埋葬死体数統計表 https://t.co/bMGf3ShfxR
@Bo_San_2D @qqolea @hororon7 @jupiterthunder_ @tim123456789021 @michiru_888 @noharra @xtxeNnqF @tonkohroh @takej9S9YPrCit8 @Lucifer_lol @UKakao @MD9NEQJGz1dowuM @rondadoreronda @Pooh_advanced @GRiCcHu07KtIFEW @pixy11616316 @USK_Sato @tomoe_0ct3 @mainitiyudoufu @tokugona44 @Michael65721791 @yukon453 @syouyusenshi @beruhaneko5 @kakitubata14 @vsO64Pt66wpS8tU @lily95595 @karisome6 @bkwankzyru @MituzoJ @dostajebilo0304 @KKnanking @DSTpnWVytBDmK1a @kurokisi5121 @nato630 @yuuugiiii @eunos_mx005 @palcalady @sfc_Taieki1968 @wcFYt58wdvkUWWt @subutanon @SolitudeEp @madogarasu @ekesete1 @gintatakamatu @naoyan1973jp @edotomin @Hiro126126 @fab4wings この中のどれが「戦死」で、どれが「戦死ではない」のでしょうね。私にはさっぱり… 世界紅卍字会南京分会救援隊埋葬班埋葬死体数統計表 https://t.co/bMGf3ShfxR
@qqolea @Bo_San_2D @pixy11616316 @tim123456789021 @maimai16288368 @Michael65721791 @michiru_888 @jupiterthunder_ @hororon7 @xtxeNnqF @tonkohroh @takej9S9YPrCit8 @Lucifer_lol @UKakao @MD9NEQJGz1dowuM @rondadoreronda @Pooh_advanced @GRiCcHu07KtIFEW @USK_Sato @noharra @tomoe_0ct3 @mainitiyudoufu @tokugona44 @yukon453 @syouyusenshi @beruhaneko5 @kakitubata14 @vsO64Pt66wpS8tU @lily95595 @karisome6 @bkwankzyru @MituzoJ @dostajebilo0304 @KKnanking @DSTpnWVytBDmK1a @kurokisi5121 @nato630 @yuuugiiii @eunos_mx005 @palcalady @sfc_Taieki1968 @wcFYt58wdvkUWWt @subutanon @SolitudeEp @madogarasu @ekesete1 @gintatakamatu @naoyan1973jp @edotomin @Hiro126126 紅卍字会の埋葬記録で言えば、女性と子供の割合はわずか0.3%にすぎないので、ちゃんと兵士と市民を区別してたのは自明です。 成人男性市民と便衣の敗残兵の区別については争点になるでしょうけど。 世界紅卍字会南京分会救援隊埋葬班埋葬死体数統計表 https://t.co/bMGf3ShfxR
@donsw2 その「34人」は史料の読み方を間違えていると思います。画像の説明をご覧ください。また、その紅卍字会の埋葬記録へのリンクも貼っておきますから、ご自分でご確認ください。 世界紅卍字会南京分会救援隊埋葬班埋葬死体数統計表 https://t.co/bMGf3ShfxR https://t.co/3lBFombPyz
それで、再掲になるが、幕府山事件(草鞋峡)の犠牲者数は1,409+α。何故ならば、紅卍字会の埋葬記録3月2日/和平門外永清寺付近/諸処大渦子に在りしものを納棺/1,409とあるから。αは河に流れた分。 現場が大渦子であることは、鈕先銘が『還俗記』に書いてる。 https://t.co/f79h5n34pd
@denying_history 返事をありがとう。順番に話しましょう。 事実1で重要なのは、女性と子供の比率が0.3%だということです。埋葬の他に水葬もあるので、埋葬の絶対数は重要ではない。 紅卍字会の43,023は、史料に基づいて計算した。以下は東京裁判の提出資料。 https://t.co/bMGf3ShfxR
南京情報。 紅卍字会の埋葬記録。こっちの方がアジア歴史資料センターのより多少画質がいいのと、直接リンク貼れるから便利かも。 https://t.co/bMGf3ShfxR

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