Onimomotaro is a children’s story written by OZAKI Koyo, a popular writer in the Meiji era. This is a story based on the famous Japanese folktale #Momotaro, in which an #oni (ogre) tries to defeat Momotaro. Check the story in this article: https://t.co/Bvz0oLHnNp #ndldigital https://t.co/tVKKXD4ZXT
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The NDL Image Bank, a new digital exhibition that is both educational and useful! All images in the NDL Image Bank are in the public domain and can be used as you please for a wide range of purposes. #ndldigital https://t.co/hDslVhtAsH https://t.co/bvXy6MLujp
Do you know the Englishman William Anderson, who built a collection of Japanese art during the 19th century? Here is the introduction of his books now held by the NDL. #ndldigital https://t.co/uyEDUbi5Kd https://t.co/ePNIcAsT8w
Onimomotaro is a children’s story written by OZAKI Koyo, a popular writer in the Meiji era. This is a story based on the famous Japanese folktale #Momotaro, in which an #oni (ogre) tries to defeat Momotaro. Check the story in this article:
https://t.co/Bvz0oLpezh #ndldigital https://t.co/Wpj5bWvWK9