IFVOC was founded in Korea to Japan 1968. 1 year ago 3.1 Larry Rubin, chief educator of National Students Association resigned 'cause he accused accomplicing between NSA and CIA who scout students to spies.
https://t.co/DjcBXvRFRC https://t.co/PVrzwNLieW https://t.co/ktEeRyRpBq
In Soviet study in 1964, Telepathy for animals has already been developed. Diatrof Pass incident was five years ago, the same day as "Tales of Prinprin" "Martian" voice actor's birthday. Why did NHK setting under it as cast stone? Mason rule, lure & bait.
https://t.co/w3CWELczIP https://t.co/zWHUYjoWsP