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The night before the beginning of Spring (around February 4) is #Setsubun (bean-throwing festival). On this night, the whole family shouts "Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi! (Devils out, good luck in!)" and throws beans all over the house. #ndldigital https://t.co/9KsbFluPzd https://t.co/3xLVGqHwiZ
節分 https://t.co/MD0ebZYHK8 https://t.co/hKnSi5afWd
節分 https://t.co/MD0ebZYHK8 https://t.co/Jejq09VuQt
節分 https://t.co/MD0ebZYHK8 https://t.co/pUaIscZyPJ
節分 https://t.co/MD0ebZYHK8 https://t.co/0Ge67BvLbu

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