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教えて!goo (1 users, 1 posts)

【Translated by Benjamin Jowett 1817–1893】 In like manner you would be afraid to say that ten exceeded eight by, and by reason of, two; but would say by, and by reason of, number; or you would say th ...

はてなブックマーク (1 users, 1 posts)


OKWave (1 users, 1 posts)

【Translated by Benjamin Jowett 1817–1893】 In like manner you would be afraid to say that ten exceeded eight by, and by reason of, two; but would say by, and by reason of, number; or you would say tha ...

Twitter (2 users, 2 posts, 0 favorites)

プラトン著『パイドン』 菊池慧一郎 訳 岩波書店 大正13年 1924年 (国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション公開) https://t.co/Vlnu1Jgng0
https://t.co/0mG9nw2nHt 哲学なんかの古典は,国立国会図書館デジタルコレクションで,だいたい訳本がみられるんでしょうか…, 宗教学も読まないと…

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