
Twitter (1 users, 4 posts, 2 favorites)

Today, I got the interview with the staff of Consumer Affairs Agency. One of them told me that she had read my article, Kaonashi no Minpougaku, and she had wanted to read it when she studied in the university. https://t.co/VutfTw6ldQ I was really glad to hear that!
Wow! Prof. Kogayu cited my damn paper, Is Civil Law Jabberwock? Thank you, prof. Kogayu! https://t.co/DknBJxwkLn https://t.co/ssuEQvD5CL
3月に公刊した東北ローレビューの論文がようやく大学のリポジトリに登録されました。これでGoogle ScholarやCiNiiにもかかるはず。信じられないことにたかだか学内の手続に6カ月もかかりました https://t.co/ssuEQvD5CL
At last, my paper was published in the repositry of our university! https://t.co/ssuEQvD5CL It took more than six months since the publishment...

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