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My current student told me that my report of law school education in this pandemic was interesting. Of course he is not a law school student but a graduate student at HBL working in a private company. https://t.co/lU14xQWeBy I was surprised he was interested in it.
ついでに法科大学院副院長業務で担当した4月期に実施したオンラインで学生の自主勉強会の開催を支援するためのセミナーのレポートも公表しました。こちらもご笑覧いただければ幸いです。 https://t.co/guhGZ4eLB4 https://t.co/ZXgTH6fi1N
In addition, as a vice dean of our law school, I published a report about online studying support with our allumni practitioners. https://t.co/guhGZ4eLB4 https://t.co/ZXgTH6fi1N

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