Kazuho Kobayashi Takehiro Higuchi Seiya Ueno
International Society of Artificial Life and Robotics
Proceedings of the Joint Symposium of AROB-ISBC-SWARM2023
pp.1491-1496, 2023-01-25

This paper proposes a hierarchical and distributed strategy for patrolling missions by robotic swarms, including a fixed base station. One of the essential requirements for autonomous robotic swarms is predictability from human operators. As a clue to satisfy this requirement in patrolling missions, the strategy employs hierarchized algorithms to maintain continuous connectivity to the base station by (i)global patrol and (ii)local patrol. Each robot selects the location to patrol by one of the two algorithms, according to the robot’s role. The paper also introduces a performance metric for the base station’s situational awareness, which may indicate the swarm behaviors’ predictability. The simulation study tested the proposed strategy and compared it to an existing strategy. The proposed strategy demonstrated successful patrol behavior with continuous connectivity to the base station. Though the existing strategy performed better in some aspects, the proposed strategy effectively covered the whole mission area and provided the base station with higher situational awareness.


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the proceeding is available at: https://t.co/Bf5U9uUOdA
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