徳永 光展
福岡工業大学研究論集 = Research Bulletin of Fukuoka Institute of Technology (ISSN:24350222)
vol.54, no.1, pp.19-29, 2021-09-30

In The Two Homelands by Yamasaki Toyoko, there is detailed description of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East. This study attempts to examine how the opening statement by a defense attorney, Kiyose Ichiro, on February 24,1947, was reproduced in the work. The full text of the opening statement is available in Kiyose Ichiro’s Hiroku, Tokyo Saiban (The Secret Records of the Tokyo Trials). In this research, comparing Kiyose’s original statement and the text reproduced in The Two Homelands revealed that much of statement was quoted extensively.


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『極東国際軍事裁判・ソ連段階審理の再現 -山崎豊子『二つの祖国』における引用をめぐって-』 https://t.co/UbiUJkhG31 『極東国際軍事裁判・清瀬一郎弁護人冒頭陳述の再現 ―山崎豊子『二つの祖国』における引用をめぐって―』 https://t.co/JPddze0nLI 著者:徳永 光展

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