
Google+ (1 users, 1 posts)

FIDEL AND FRANCO: SOULMATES OF GALICIA -- Georgie Anne Geyer, 2 Aug. 1992. The province of Galicia in the northwest of Spain is stunningly beautiful, with lush hills and undulating rivers. But under ...

Twitter (5 users, 5 posts, 0 favorites)

@jsp_clarke On Franco`s Spain and Cuba relations there is a lot more i.a.: https://t.co/LstsaDj01U https://t.co/uLma1VV3Ix https://t.co/4ckakclSR1
@rtendahl @Jerlerup Estrada-doktrinen och noninterventionspol. förklarar mkt av anti-komm. Francos förh. till Kuba. https://t.co/OL11jXWuBx
@JustinRaimondo Here is an interesting paper on the regimes' relationship: https://t.co/RD4icltFFW
The Franco regime’s contradiction: Its foreign policy toward Cuba | Haruko Hosuda http://t.co/0X9GLgEqLl

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