Ejiri Shinji Kanaya Kazuyuki Umeda Takashi
Oxford University Press
Progress of theoretical and experimental physics (ISSN:20503911)
vol.2012, no.1, pp.01A104, 2012-09
5 5

The WHOT-QCD Collaboration is pushing forward a series of lattice studies of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) at finite temperatures and densities using improved Wilson quarks. Because Wilson-type quarks require more computational resources than the more widely used staggered-type quarks, various theoretical and computational techniques have to be developed and applied. In this paper, we introduce a fixed-scale approach armed with a T-integration method, a Gaussian method based on cumulant expansion, and a histogram method combined with the reweighting technique. Using these methods, we have carried out the first study of finite-density QCD with Wilson-type quarks and the first calculation of the equation of state with 2+1 flavors of Wilson-type quarks. We present the results of these studies and discuss perspectives towards clarification of the properties of 2+1 flavor QCD at the physical point at finite temperatures and densities.


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