劉 占富
東京大学大学院教育学研究科教育行政学論叢 = The journal of Educational Administration Graduate School of Education, the University of Tokyo (ISSN:13421980)
vol.26, pp.75-88, 2007-03-30

ln China, education has been the main target of reform since 1980. The improvement ofteachers'quality has become one of the important topics for the education in China too, where the number of persons who need basic education is large, and where science and technology are actively mentioned to be very important for the country. ln China, quality estimation system for teachers has been used as one of the important measures to improve the quality of teachers since 1983. The teacher evaluation system in China mainly has merit evaluation, job title estimation, and 3% encouragement and a promotion system. Although the present meritocracy estimation system introduced in 1983 already has been more than 20 years, the thorough research result about the system of a teacher estimation and practice has not been seen till the present, ln this paper, it focuses on the feature and the problem in practice of the China teacher job title estimation ,the structure, and the difference of the teacher job title estimation in each district and each school.


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