時実 昌泰 竹内 正文 水谷 修太郎 紺屋 博暉
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.11, no.2, pp.129-135, 1965-02

A case of interstitial cell tumor of the left tes t is in an eleven year old boy with bilateral gynecomastia, atrophy of the right testis, small penis and female-like skin is reported. No pseudopsychosexual precocity commonly seen in prepuberal case was noted except for rapid growth in height and weight and slight occurence of pubic hair. Urinary 17-K e tosteroid excretion was within normal range. F r iedman reaction was negative. Estrogen excretion was not determined. The specimen demonstrated both m acroscopic and microscopic characteristics of interstitial cell tumor of the testis. So far within two m o nths after orchidectomy, the right testis is rapidly increasing in size. But other changes are not yet remarkable.


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