Yasuoka Koichi Yasuoka Motoko
Institute for Research in Humanities Kyoto University
ZINBUN (ISSN:00845515)
vol.42, pp.161-174, 2011-03

QWERTY keyboard is widely used for information processing nowadays in Japan, United States, and other countries. And the most frequently asked question about the keyboard is: “Why are the letters of the keyboard arranged the way they are?” Several papers in the field of information processing answer the question like this: “To slow down the operator.” It’s nonsense. In this paper we reveal the prehistory of QWERTY keyboard along the history of telegraph apparatus: Morse, Hughes-Phelps, and Teletype. The early keyboard of Type-Writer was derived from Hughes-Phelps Printing Telegraph, and it was developed for Morse receivers. The keyboard arrangement very often changed during the development, and accidentally grew into QWERTY among the different requirements. QWERTY was adopted by Teletype in the 1910’s, and Teletype was widely used as a computer terminal later.


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[computer] QWERTY keyboard is widely used for information processing nowadays in Japan, United States, and other countries. And the most frequently asked question about the keyboard is: “Why are the letters of the keyboard arranged the way they are?” Several papers in the field of information processing answer the question like this: “To slow down the operator.” It’s nonsense. In this paper we reveal the prehistory of QWERTY keyboard along the history of telegraph apparatus: Morse, Hughes-Phelps, and Teletype.
[rccrc][from twitter] Un texte qui montre que le QWERTY n'a sans doute pas été créé pour ralentir les dactylos [EN] #rccrc : http://t.co/34rQEWYMj6

Google+ (5 users, 5 posts)

Once in a great while a myth is busted..
Contrary to what most people think, the QWERTY layout was not designed to slow people down. + Shumin Zhai , do you know about this paper?
The interesting history of the QWERTY keyboard QWERTY keyboard is widely used for information processing nowadays in Japan, United States, and other countries. And the most frequently asked questio ...
Lazy Reading for 2013/06/16 This is a text-heavy weekend, given yesterday’s post.  Enjoy! • [SELinux’s toxic mistake]( http://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/linux/SELinuxToxicMistake ). If people ...
Lazy Reading for 2013/06/16 This is a text-heavy weekend, given yesterday’s post.  Enjoy! • [SELinux’s toxic mistake]( http://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/linux/SELinuxToxicMistake ). If people ...

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Grace a @CPCHardware on sait que le clavier qwerty n'a pas été inventé pour ralentir la frappe. https://t.co/68mlwd1jiC
Patiently working on our goals. Here is one #paper that is worth reading "On the Prehistory of #QWERTY" https://t.co/7Dgk75Nngg
@shadychars @enf One lead via https://t.co/viPxH5cbvx: https://t.co/urdAO6YJBg
@mahir_nyc @mwichary perpetuates the disproven idea that QWERTY == unjamming http://t.co/sQqbtlkFCF
@daiksy それは違うらしいです。日本語版あるかどうかは分からないが...古代の配列には違いないけど http://t.co/jPb9JFQcOt
Interesting. On the Prehistory of QWERTY: http://t.co/uoI6BGUt7O
“Why are the letters of the keyboard arranged the way they are?” http://t.co/nSFPBqUxkM
@lnds @pajarofelix @rlems @aldrinmartoq Pero estos japos dicen que investigaron: http://t.co/IXb5hlHvtL
On the Prehistory of QWERTY - The real history of keyboards http://t.co/H2w0Y2oNA6
The Prehistory of QWERTY. http://t.co/uI1yacmco6
So all the stories we've been told about QWERTY over the years would seem to be crap: http://t.co/yz8sBuSenQ h/t @arstechnica
QWERTY was *not* designed to slow people down. @ShuminZhai, do you know about this paper? http://t.co/s1ZkZqbZ3T
fascinating paper on the prehistory of the QWERTY keyboard that debunks a couple of legends http://t.co/6eBMoVIxOy // via @shadychars
QWERTY origins - not what you think... http://t.co/nqKSSdfN6B
They lied to us about QWERTY. http://t.co/bzEfroUaTn
Fascinating history of the QWERTY keyboard layout http://t.co/ZUIYYIqU2X (pdf) HT @edyong209
The Prehistory of QWERTY http://t.co/RX56jAjNiA
The Prehistory of QWERTY http://t.co/BpAI1iIvza
Articolo interessante sull'origine del layout QWERTY dall'epoca del telegrafo: http://t.co/wnKGPBi6AQ

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