鍛治 まどか
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.57, pp.253-266, 2011-04-25

Many studies of bereavement deal with the mourning process. Through this process, the relationship is built between the bereaved and the dead. This paper focuses on what the relationship is. How can we be with the dead when we are left alive and alone? I researched what a relationship with a dead father or mother is by the "Nine-In-One Drawing Method" and interviews with two subjects as cooperators. In these interviews, I asked about their mourning processes and found them to be very individual. I asked them to draw about their dead father or mother. While they were drawing, their relationship with the deceased parent appeared. They could feel warmth, and they felt cared for in the relationship. I believe that such experiences play important roles in the mourning process, enabling them to have an individual relationship with the dead. The relationship was not realistic. But it was true in the intermediate area. Therefore, I am convinced that a relationship with the dead can take form in the intermediate area, and it should be grasped and understood in relation to the mourning process.


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