田中 崇恵
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
vol.58, pp.221-231, 2012-04-27

This paper aims to discuss illness from the viewpoint "Otherness" and "Identity" through an overview of the literature and a case study. Illness is often thought of as a bad thing and meaningless. In addition, the act of diagnosis emphasizes the otherness of the illness. On the other hand, the illness is thought to have a deep relation with the person who has the illness, and it therefore has an important meaning. In addition, it was shown that illness becomes a part of a person's identity, or essence of identity. Illness is thoght to wave between "Otherness" and "identity", and it brings transcendence and transformation to the person who has illness. In the case study, the dynamics of the opposite elements "Otherness" and Identity and the aspect of the transcendence that it brings were demonstrated by the client’s dream and the progress of the case. It is important that the psychotherapists support advancement to the road of transcendence and the transformation of the clients without stopping the dynamics of illness.


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https://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2433/155586/1/eda58_221.pdf グロテスク、残酷な表現は、死と頽廃の象徴であると考えられ このような表現を選好する心理は反権威的アナーキズムであると考えられます。 ※表面上、そうではないように嘯く者が現代では非常に多いのですが、そのような者は自分の真の嗜好に ...

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