山下 景秋 Kageaki YAMASHITA
和洋女子大学紀要 = The journal of Wayo Women's University (ISSN:18846351)
vol.62, pp.113-121, 2021-03-31

In this paper, I consider the quality of products and agricultural products by setting the cost of producing quality (quality cost) and the number of sales as a result of quality. Since the number of sales is a function of price and quality cost, I consider that the profit of a company (farmer) is a function of price and quality cost. In this paper, in order to achieve maximum profit, there are three adjustment methods: (1) price adjustment, (2) average variable quality cost adjustment, and (3) price and average variable quality cost adjustment. The route by which profits are achieved is shown graphically. Based on this, I considered when and by what adjustment these three maximum profits would be achieved.


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