Taniguchi Yusuke
Institute of Physics Publishing
Journal of high energy physics (ISSN:11266708)
vol.2006, no.10, pp.027, 2006-09

Finite volume renormalization scheme is one of the most fascinating scheme for non-perturbative renormalization on lattice. By using the step scaling function one can follow running of renormalized quantities with reasonable cost. It has been established the Schrödinger functional is very convenient to define a field theory in a finite volume for this purpose. The Schrödinger functional, which is characterized by a Dirichlet boundary condition in temporal direction, is well defined and works well for the Yang-Mills theory and QCD. Furthermore it matches well with lattice regularization. However one easily runs into difficulties if one sets the same sort of the Dirichlet boundary condition for the overlap Dirac operator or the domain-wall fermion on lattice. In this paper we propose an orbifolding projection procedure to impose the Schrödinger functional Dirichlet boundary condition on the domain-wall fermion.
Hatta Y. Iancu E. Mueller A. H.
Institute of Physics Publishing
Journal of high energy physics (ISSN:11266708)
vol.2008, no.5, pp.37, 2008-05
101 106

Within the framework of the AdS/CFT correspondence, we study the timeevolution of an energetic R-current propagating through a finite temperature, stronglycoupled, N = 4 SYM plasma and propose a physical picture for our results. In thispicture, the current splits into a pair of massless partons, which then evolve via successivebranchings, in such a way that energy is quasi-democratically divided among the productsof a branching. We point out a duality between the transverse size of the partonic systemproduced through branching and the radial distance traveled by the dual Maxwell wave inthe AdS geometry. For a time-like current, the branching occurs already in the vacuum,where it gives rise to a system of low-momentum partons isotropically distributed in thetransverse plane. But at finite temperature, the branching mechanism is modified by themedium, in that the rate for parton splitting is enhanced by the transfer of transversemomentum from the partons to the plasma. This mechanism, which controls the partonenergy loss, is sensitive to the energy density in the plasma, but not to the details of thethermal state. We compute the lifetime of the current for various kinematical regimes andprovide physical interpretations for other, related, quantities, so like the meson screeninglength, the drag force, or the trailing string, that were previously computed via AdS/CFTtechniques.
Hatta Yoshitaka Matsuo Toshihiro
IOP Publishing
The journal of high energy physics (ISSN:11266708)
vol.2009, no.06, pp.011, 2009-06-04
21 6

Recently, an exact conformal mapping between soft gluons emitted from jets at large angle in e+e−-annihilation and those in the BFKL evolution of a high energy hadron has been proposed. We elucidate some remarkable aspects of this correspondence and use them to analytically compute the distribution and correlation of gluons in the interjet region. We also establish the timelike counterpart of Mueller's dipole model and discuss the resulting linear and nonlinear evolution equations.
Hatta Yoshitaka Ueda Takahiro Xiao Bo-Wen
IOP Publishing
The journal of high energy physics (ISSN:11266708)
vol.2009, no.08, pp.007, 2009-08-05
35 16

Using the AdS/CFT correspondence, we calculate the polarized structure functions in strongly coupled Script N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory deformed in the infrared. We find that the flavor singlet contribution to the g1 structure function is vanishingly small, while the flavor non-singlet contribution shows the Regge behavior at small–x with an intercept slightly less than 1. We explicitly check that the latter satisfies the moment sum rule. We discuss the `spin crisis' problem and suggest that at strong coupling the spin of a hadron entirely comes from the orbital angular momentum.