川戸 明子 太田 仁 伊丹 昌一
梅花女子大学心理こども学部紀要 (ISSN:21860726)
vol.5, pp.43-66, 2014

特殊教育から特別支援教育への改革により、教育界では、特別支援学校のみならず、通常の学校においても特別支援教育の知識や経験が必要とされてきている。しかし、学校においては、団塊の世代の大量退職以降日本の教員の年齢構成の不均衡が蓄積された教育実践力の伝承を困難なものとしている。これまでの専門的な知識や技能、有用な教材教具の継承を実現することは教育現場の喫緊の課題である。本報告は、授業の流れに沿った障害種別ごとの児童生徒への配慮点に焦点を当て、経験の少ない教員が授業における配慮点を理解し、指導に生かすことを目的として、配慮事項を一覧表として示し、自己チェックできる「授業改善にむけてのふりかえりシート」(以下「ふりかえりシート」)を、大阪府立支援学校の管理職や教員の協力を得ながら5 年かけて作成した経緯を『特別支援学校における「指導実践改善シート」~1作成までの経緯~-視覚障害・聴覚障害・知的障害・肢体不自由・病弱・発達障害児の適性指導の共有に向けて-』としてまとめたものである。Not only the schools for special needs education but also the regular schools are in need of knowledge and experiences of special needs education since the change was made from "special education" to "special needs education." However, at the places of education, the age distribution of teachers is unbalanced since the mass retirement of Japan's "baby boomers," which makes it difficult to hand down the accumulated educational practices to the next generation and share the versatility of those practices. Therefore, it is the urgent task for the field of education to realize the application of special knowledge and skills adapted to the situation, acquired by the past practices of special needs education and the succession of effective teaching materials. In addition, to provide special support for the children and students with the wide range of disabilities and impairments at the regular schools, it is necessary for the teachers to acquire not only the knowledge and skills about the specific disability or impairment but also the wide range of practical teaching ability in special needs education. Under the current circumstances of education as described above, this report summarizes the development process of the self-rating "Evaluation Sheet for the Improvement of Educational Practices at the Schools for Special Needs Education (hereinafter,"K-ESIPS")." The evaluation criteria are the consideration points along the lesson process for the children and students with special needs, which are listed for each type of disabilities and impairments. It took 5 years to develop with the cooperation of the managerial staff and teachers of the Osaka Prefectural Schools for Special Needs Education.