吉田 啓子 桑原 礼子 Keiko YOSHIDA Reiko KUWAHARA
鎌倉女子大学紀要 = The journal of Kamakura Women's University (ISSN:09199780)
no.11, pp.75-82, 2004-03-31 (Released:2017-05-30)

台所で常に利用し、食品や器具類と接する機会の多い洗浄用のスポンジ・たわしは衛生的取扱が難しく、煩雑になりやすいと考えられる。そこで台所用スポンジ・たわしの微生物学的実態調査を行うと共に、Esherichia coli IAM12119[T], Bacillus subtilis IAM12118[T], Pseudomonas fluorescens IAM12022 [T]をそれぞれをスポンジに接種し、乾燥させた状態あるいは湿った状態で20℃、30℃と温度を変えて保存しそれぞれの消長を観察し2, 3の知見を得た。([T]は上つき文字) When we clean the utensils, we frequently use sponge scourers and scrubbing brushes in the kitchen. Therefore we investigated the actual conditions of these utensils and examined the surval and growth of bacteria in the preservation test of sponge scourers and scrubbing brushes. The samples that were inoculated with Esherichia coli IAMIAM12119[T], Bacillus subtilis IAM12118[T], pseudomonas fluorescens IAMIAM12022 [T] respectively, were inoculated and kept in an incubator at 20℃ or 30℃ for I day under wet or dry conditions. A few results were obtained, and we discuss them in this paper.([T] is subscript)


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