仲上 晴世 矢部 えん Haruyo Nakagami En Yabe
共立女子短期大学生活科学科紀要 = Annual bulletin, Department of the Science of Living
vol.59, pp.17-23, 2016-02

Over recent years progress has been made in the development of substitute foods for allergy patients. One such is rice flour bread. However, typically rice flour bread uses polysaccharide thickener in substitution for the gluten in wheat. Most polysaccharide thickeners are of dietary fiber origin, and the nutritive value is poor. Therefore, in this study, I made rice flour bread adding rice bran in place of polysaccharide thickener. Various nutrients are included in rice bran, including vitamin B1. The goal was the production of a delicious, highly nutritional rice flour bread comparable to that made with wheat flour.