上橋 菜穂子
川村学園女子大学研究紀要 = The journal of Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University (ISSN:09186050)
vol.13, no.1, pp.205-221, 2002

It is often stated that the Aboriginal society consists of the Elders system. Actually, in the Aboriginal society, the Elders were at the leading position in both politics and religion. The Elders also had the authority of punishing a person who broke "the Law", which covers all of their society as the standard. But the destruction of the Aboriginal society by colonialization changed their social system completely. The white men became the social authority and also hold all of the legal authority. That is why the Elders had lost the authority to lead the Aboriginal society. But after 1970s, in the stream of the Aboriginal culture revival, the Aboriginal policy made a great change from protection and discrimination policy or assimilation policy to self-management policy by which the Aborigines take part in politics autonomously. When this policy became the mainstream, the role of the Elders, who had traditional culture knowledge and were the traditional authority, achieved a new understanding. In this paper I paid an attention to the activity of "the commission of Elders" which was started by the county government leading Western Australia in 1995. And with this change of the Elders role, I sought to bring attention to the social change and the condition of the Aboriginal society that followed.
湯浅 弘
川村学園女子大学研究紀要 = The journal of Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University (ISSN:09186050)
vol.14, no.2, pp.133-145, 2003-03-15

『風土』において利辻哲郎は人間存在の時間性と空間性, 歴史性と風土性を機軸とする人間存在論を提示した。その人間存在論は, ハイデガーの『存在と時間』の批判的摂取を前提としたもので, 現象学的解釈学の系譜に属す人間存在論と見ることができる。そうした思想史的な系譜からも窺えるように, 『風土』での和辻の基本的なスタンスは, デカルトに端を発する主客二元論に抗して人間の生の具体的現実に定位しその構造を明らかにしようとした点に求められる。和辻は, 自らのヨーロッパ留学体験をもとに風土の三類型を提示しつつ, 人間の生の必須の構造契機として人間存在の歴史性・風土性を明らかにしようとしたのである。その試みは, 言わば, 空間(時間を含んで)を生きる人間の生と人間によって生きられる空間(時間を含んで)との密接不離の関係を探査する試みであったと見ることができる。本論文は, 風土論としての先駆的な業績である『風土』を和辻の倫理学体系の成立と絡めながら, 『風土』の諸問題について若干考察しようとするものである。