上野 芳久
相模工業大学紀要 (ISSN:02860910)
vol.24, no.1, pp.p97-148, 1990-03

La police en tant qu'enqueteur dans le domaine de la procedure penale, exerce un role si importante que j'ai voulu traiter de son histoire dans cet article, apres mes trois articles precedents sur l'histoire du droit penal, de la procedure penale et de la juridiction. Cet article est mon dernier d'une serie de recherches sur l'histoire criminelle francaise. J'espere que tous mes articles pourront etre utilises efficacement par les chercheurs japonais en droit penal francais.
秋山 諄一
相模工業大学紀要 (ISSN:02860910)
vol.6, no.1, pp.15-37, 1972-03-31

An Induction generator in one system without the other generator, in two cases; is reported in one case which has non-exciting source but some capacitive units, in the other case which has an independent exciting source which is too contained a crystal oscillator, is discussed about the characteristics (1) the build-up out-put voltage at starting and (2) the regulating control on the out-put voltage and frequency (a) with and (b) without an exciting electrical source, (which capacity is at the out-put of amplifier equipment with the crystal oscillator, about 10% against the capacity of generator). In the result we won the nearly expected performance at the regulation of voltage and frequency, then I report and want to your kindly discussion.
上野 芳久
相模工業大学紀要 (ISSN:02860910)
vol.23, no.2, pp.121-168, 1989-03-31

L'histoire du droit penal et celle de la procedure penale ont ete deja traitee dans mes deux articles precedents. Mais il faut aussi connaitre l'histoire de la juridiction, parce que la procedure penale est toujours exercee dans le systeme de la juridiction, ou apparait la conception du droit penal des gouvernements differents a chaque epoque. Dans cet article, ce qui differe des articles precedents, c'est que la periode qui precede la Revolution est decrite. D'autre part plus de details sur la periode qui suit la Revolution sont donnes, car c'est alors que les bases de la juridiction ont ete etablis.
上野 芳久
相模工業大学紀要 (ISSN:02860910)
vol.22, no.1, pp.79-108, 1988-03-26

Pour bien comprendre le droit penal, il faut aussi etudier le droit de procedure penale qui constitute un des deux colonnes supportant le droit penal au sens large. L'histoire du premier a ete deja traitee dans mon article precedent, celle du second sera examinee dans le present article. Il va sans dire que la forme de table chronologique, les abreviations sont meme que dans l'article precedent; seul est different le regime de chaque epoque ecrit dans le carre pour aider a mieux comprendre.
渡邊 惺子 大竹 三郎
相模工業大学紀要 (ISSN:02860910)
vol.3, no.1, pp.9-16, 1969-03-31

By examining the variation of absorption by barium-sulfonazo III chelate in the presence of sodium salt, the optimum conditions in absorptiometric determination of barium with sulfonazo III have been investigated. The sulfonazo III, having two absorption maxima at 570mμ and 630mμ, makes a chelate compound with barium ion by the ratio 1 : 1 (absorption maxima : 590mμ, 640mμ). The absorvance at 640mμ, which changes itself markedly in proportion to the concentration of barium ion, may be diminished remarkably in the presence of sodium salt. The absorbancy, in this case, does not depend on the pH value, within the range of pH 1 to 10,but only depends on the concentration of sodium ion. And when barium ion is absent, sodium-sulfonazo III which has its absorption maximum at 635mμ, changes its absorbancy slightly proportionaly to the concentration of sodium ion. Such being the case, the caribration curve of barium, when a buffer solution containing sodium salt is added, has been found to be linear in wide range (&acd;3×10^<-4>M[Ba^2+]), so far as the concentration of sodium ion is high, but it has been observed to be curved in the region of [Ba^<2+>] over 1.5×10^<-5>M, when [Na^+] is 10^<-3>M (pH 4.7). In conclusion, it has been found that use of a buffer solution (pH 2.2) by monochloroacetic acid series and the concentration of sodium ion are to be adjusted between 0.02M to 0.1M, as the condition of quantitative detection of barium ion below 3.5×10^<-5>M at 640mμ.