田中 一弘
稲盛和夫研究 (ISSN:2436827X)
vol.1, no.1, pp.19-36, 2022-03-25 (Released:2022-04-01)

In this paper, I would like to discuss the meaning of “integrity” based on Kazuo Inamori’s philosophy and deeds. Integrity has two meanings, honesty and sincerity, both of which are emphasized in Inamori’s philosophy. In this paper, I will focus on integrity as honesty.Inamori’s philosophy accentuates the importance of practicing primitive morality, whether it is honesty or any other virtue, and not just knowing it. However, there is one episode in which, Inamori professes, he has lied. The story goes that when Kyocera was still a small company with about 100 employees, major manufacturers approached him about delivering a difficult product that the company had never made before, and he pretended to be able to do it and got the order.By examining whether or not, or in what sense, Inamori lied in this episode, I will clarify the multifaceted nature and depth of integrity as honesty. Specifically, the following two points are suggested: (1) In terms of the past and the present, it is important to distinguish between “not lying” and “not telling the truth” with regard to facts, the former being essential for honesty. (2) In terms of the future, it is not necessarily dishonest to promise something that is difficult to achieve within one’s current capabilities, and in fact such overextension is vital for the growth of the company, but once a promise has been made, you must be faithful to fulfil it to assure integrity.
北居 明
稲盛和夫研究 (ISSN:2436827X)
vol.1, no.1, pp.93-110, 2022-03-25 (Released:2022-04-01)

In this paper, I studied what kind of organizational culture Kazuo Inamori tried to foster in Kyocera by analyzing the message of him published in Kyocera’s in-house newsletter “Respect the Divine and Love People (Keiten-Aijin)”. Through the quantitative text analysis, it’s found that since 1973, his remarks have increased dramatically, and he tried to convey a lot of messages to employees in response to changes in the environment inside and outside the country.What is characteristic of the content of the remark is the large number of words “heart (Kokoro)”. It is probable that Kyocera’s values, which Inamori himself called “heart-based” management, were reflected in the in-house newsletter. The content of the remarks varied from year to year, and there was a change in the relative frequency of mentions, especially in the 1970s and after 1981. In the 1970s, there were relatively many references to issues, policies, and goals within the company, but since 1981, there has been an increase in references to the inside of people. It seems that this is because Inamori tried to extract Kyocera’s values and management principles from his own experience and pass them on to employees before he retired from the front line.At the same time, the meaning of “heart” seems to have become more multifaceted and fertile. In addition to the good intentions and sincerity that form the basis of people’s relationships of trust, the “heart” has come to represent the criteria for decision-making and the driving force for realizing aspirations. Finally, I mention some future issues.