デジタルリポジトリ連合; SPARC Japan/国立情報学研究所
DRFIC2009 発表予稿集
pp.78-83, 2009-12

Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) is a subject repository to promote scholarly communication in economics. It provides bibliographic information and links to full text of online economic materials including 240,000 working papers (WPs). Some Japanese institutions have added their contents to gain more repository users.The authors analyzed usage logs of WPs in Hitotsubashi University Repository (HERMES-IR) and Academic Research Repository at the Institute of Developing Economies (ARRIDE) to reveal RePEc’s impact on the use of WPs in institutional repositories. The analysis revealed that the use of WPs which were added to RePEc was double that of not added. In particular, the use of papers written in English increased significantly and many of their users were from abroad. However, papers written in Japanese did not gain much use from RePEc. RePEc has a strong impact on English papers and users from abroad, and a little impact on Japanese papers and Japanese users.