榊 剛史 鳥海 不二夫 吉田 光男
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 (ISSN:13479881)
vol.31, 2017

We are planning to develop information infrastructures for disaster management. As an example of those infrastructures,we develop a geographic information resource to assist digital volunteers who try to develop systems for disaster management. This system makes it possible to convert gps information and location name extracted from social media posts into administrative district information. In the final year of this session, we will evaluate the performance of the geographic information resource. Specifically, we verify how much improvement in performance can be obtained by applying the resource to the analysis we have performed in the past. Finally, we discuss the limits of the goals initially presented by this session and the efforts that will be needed in the future.


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これを使うと地方の推定精度が上がりそう(よく聞いてなかった) jsai2017:3P2-NFC-00b-2 災害情報基盤構築のための地理情報リソースに対する性能評価 <https://t.co/67p9stW4JN>

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