松井 富美男
HABITUS (ISSN:21867909)
vol.19, pp.17-34, 2015-03-20

Es ist dafür bekannt, daß Hermann Cohen als Schulhaupt des Marburger Neukantianismus zur Kant Studien viel beigetragen hat. Er war auch als Lehrer bei Akademie für die Wissenschaft des Judentums in seinen letzten Lebensjahren tätig, um die Juden auf tiefere Aufklärung zu bringen und das Judentum mit dem Deutschtum sich versöhnen zu lassen. Die Absicht der vorliegenden Abhandlung ist seiner Auslegung gemäß es klar zu machen, in welchen Punkten Philosophie Kants mit dem Judetum verwandt ist, und zu untersuchen, ob sie für richtig zu halten ist.Nach der Religionslehre Kants macht das Christentum „ethisches Gemeinwesen" nach Tugendgesetzen aus, während das Judentum ,,juridisches Gemeinwesen" unter den Bedingungen ausmacht, daß die Freiheit eines jeden mit derselben jedes anderen nach einem allgemeine Gesetze zusammen bestehen kann. Also Kant stellt es fest, daß das letztere keine Religion ist, indem es als „Kirchlichenglaube" nicht charakterisiert wird. Dagegen behauptet Cohen, daß Kant von Spinoza und Moses Mendelssohn zum Misverstandnis verleitet wurde. In der Tat einigen sich Philosphie Kants und das Judentum über die Grundgedanken wie „Idealisierung Gottes", „Geschichte der Menschheit", „Reinheit des Hezens", „ewigenFrieden" usw. , obschon es von Kant selbst weder beabsichtigt noch eingesehen worden ist.Man kann die Einigung nicht allseitig glauben. Zurn Beispiel, Kant nimmt zur Wirklichkeit des „höchsten Guts" das Dasein Gottes an, der die Sittlichkeit angemessene Glückseligkeit verteilt. Cohen sieht jedoch solchen Gott als irrational an und erkennt nur einzigen Gott als moralisches Wesen an. Hier kann es die absichtliche Verdrehung geben. Dadurch ermöglicht er geradezu die Verwandtschaft zwischen Philosophie Kants und Judentum.
衛藤 吉則
HABITUS (ISSN:21867909)
no.25, pp.17-33, 2021-03-20

The Japanese education slogan "ikiru-chikara" can be translated as "zest for living." This concrete enthusiasm (zest) for living that overflows from within each of us supports an educational philosophy of comprehensive development of knowledge, virtue, and the body, which is the aim of education in Japan. However, at present, a bias for intellectual development is increasing, and as a result, a separation between knowledge and existence, knowledge and action, knowledge and virtue, mind and body, particular and universal, and subjective and objective is occurring. It is expected that the bridge will be bridged in consideration of the unconscious layer inside. At present, inclusive and integrated models of education, like those utilized by Steiner education and which are being promoted worldwide, are attracting the attention of school communities whose goals are coexistence in diversity and the consideration of individual differences, including the presence or absence of disabilities. In this paper, a practical example of applying the methods of Steiner education to the care of a school refusal child with a disability is introduced (Practice at Steiner House Momo of NPO Steiner & Montessori Academy). In particular, exercises that connect the child's imagination to physical sensations and exercises and their effects are introduced: (1) primitive physical experience (turning over, abdomen, four-sided movement, right-handed movement), (2) formen (form drawing experience from Steiner education), and (3) eurythmy (physical art activity from Steiner education).
嶋崎 太一
HABITUS (ISSN:21867909)
no.23, pp.50-66, 2019-03-20

Kant divides the methods of education into acromatic and erotematic methods. The latter refers to a method of education based on questions and answers, while the former refers to a method in which the teacher delivers lectures alone. The erotematic method can be further divided into the dialogic (Socratic) method, in which both teacher and students ask and answer each other, and the catechistic method, in which only the teacher asks questions. Although Kant prefers the catechism to the dialog method for moral education, he also argues that the education of children should be conducted in the Socratic manner. According to my interpretation, the background of this contradiction is the ambiguity of Kant's view of Socrates, with Socrates as a representative of the dialogic method and as the midwife of students' wisdom. Kant denies the Socratic method in the first sense because he believes students do not know how to ask, and agrees with Socrates in the second sense since the teacher let his students answer based on their own reason, as if he were a midwife. Kant also contrasts moral catechism (in which answers are drawn from the students' reason) with religious catechism (in which the students answer based on their memory ), and argues that the former must precede the latter. Kant's moral catechism consists of three parts. In the last part, the students are led to moral theology. In conclusion, Kant intended to arrange the catechism from mechanical to judicious, to establish a religion based on morality, not vice versa.