James Mc Laughlin
Hirosaki University Press.
Radiation Environment and Medicine (ISSN:24239097)
vol.11, no.1, pp.1-6, 2022-02-25 (Released:2022-04-27)

Human exposure to the natural radiation environment and the consequent radiation doses can serve as a benchmark against which different artificial radiation exposures can usefully be compared. In radiation risk communications with the public such comparisons can help the public to have an informed perspective of radiation exposures and risks. A short overview is given here of the main components of natural radiation to which humans are exposed both externally and internally. The average annual global effective dose from radiation has been estimated by UNSCEAR to be about 3.0 mSv of which approximately 80% (2.4 mSv) is due to natural radiation. At the level of the individual, however, a wide variability of doses from natural radiation exists. This is true in particular of the doses received in the indoor environment from the inhalation of airborne progeny of radon and thoron gases. This account of some aspects of natural radiation in the environment is based on the 1st IRSCC (International Radiation Science Collaboration Centre) Seminar of the Institute of Radiation Emergency Medicine, Hirosaki University, Japan which was given by the author of this paper in February 2021.
Hiromi Koike Takao Kawano Takeshi Iimoto
Hirosaki University Press.
Radiation Environment and Medicine (ISSN:24239097)
vol.12, no.1, pp.74-79, 2023-02-27 (Released:2023-03-04)

Naturally radioactive sources were developed using three easily available and familiar substances: potassium chloride, instant coffee, and kelp. The radiation fields that they generated were actual measurements using various instruments to adapt the sources to school radiation education. It was quantitatively found that the potassium chloride source can be used for qualitative experiments on β-rays. The latest national Courses of Study published by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) have been applied since 2020. By the results of our measurements with the Courses of Study, an example of experimental training using naturally radioactive sources: “Absorption training Experiment of β-rays Using Shielding Materials” was developed. We believe that the widespread application of naturally radioactive sources made of familiar materials will make it easier for schoolteachers to carry out radiation experiments in their classes and contribute to establishing the publicʼs literacy on radiation.