杉山 貞夫
Biological Sciences in Space (ISSN:09149201)
vol.3, no.1, pp.31-37, 1989 (Released:2006-02-01)

From the beginning of the space project to the end of it where the mission is completed, human factors consideration has to be paid to every sector of the developmental and achievement process of the space architecture as well as of the total system where human beings are involved. Human factors, originating from the human life on the earth, have aimed to accomplish a high level of reliability, efficiency, safety and other criterion variables that affect the quality of product, of mission, and of service, which are utilized on the earth. Now we are planning to design a complex system of space facility to be used in the space, where every human function is supposed to be quite different from that on the earth. In the space, some of the combinations of variables which we aim to accomplish might be entirely new for us mainly due to different physical characteristics. Now we need information and knowledges produced not only by any scientific disciplines which directly correspond with the object area. but also by combinations of disciplines, if we want to accomplish the goal. Human sciences, which have supported human factors, have numerous sectors of sciences. They are distributed from molecular biology to sociology in a wide range of spectrum. Therefore, a wide range of all sorts of sectors of human sciences has to be involved in the research on humans in space. Those sciences must cooperatively provide information and knowledges for the human factors design of space architecture and systems to be used in space.


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