小山 鐵夫
植物分類,地理 (ISSN:00016799)
vol.31, no.4-6, pp.139-148, 1980-11-10 (Released:2017-09-25)

Nomenclatural identity has been established for the three Far Eastern species of Bolboschoenus that I recognize as valid. They are B. fluviatilis ssp. yagara (n. comb.), B. maritimus and B. planiculmis, which may be differentiated by the following key. A) Achenes truly trigonous, rhombic-obovate, subacute at apex; stigmas 3; inflorescence an open anthela bearing several to 20 spikelets on several elongated rays. 1. B. fluviatilis ssp. yagara. A) Achenes lenticular (or rarely obcompressed-trigonous with obscurely angular dorsal side), obovate, rounded to mucronate apex; stigmas 2 (rarely 3) ; inflorescence frequently capitate bearing 1 to several spikelets, occasionally developing 1 to few rays. B) Leaf blades dorsi-ventrally flattened ; inflorescence truly terminal, bearing few to several spikelets ; leafy bracts spreading ; hypogynous bristles 2 to 4 (rarely to 6). 2. B. maritimus. B) Leaf blades 3-sided ; inflorescence quasi-lateral, mostly of a single spikelet, rarely with few digitate spikelets ; the lowest bract culm-like, erect ; hypogynous bristles 5 to 6. 3. B. planiculmis.


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@sawagani550cc 急いで確認していただきありがとうございます。手遅れにならなくて良かったです。。小山鐵夫さんの1980年の論文では「イセ ウキヤガラがコウキヤガラと全く異なる独立種である事に疑いはない」と明言されてますね。最近の見解は追えてません。 https://t.co/TZthjwUIml

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