Kenju Kobachi Sota Kuno Shinya Sato Kenta Sumiyama Michiyuki Matsuda Kenta Terai
Japan Society for Cell Biology
Cell Structure and Function (ISSN:03867196)
vol.45, no.2, pp.131-141, 2020 (Released:2020-08-21)
2 11

Tissue absorbance, light scattering, and autofluorescence are significantly lower in the near-infrared (NIR) range than in the visible range. Because of these advantages, NIR fluorescent proteins (FPs) are in high demand for in vivo imaging. Nevertheless, application of NIR FPs such as iRFP is still limited due to their dimness in mammalian cells. In contrast to GFP and its variants, iRFP requires biliverdin (BV) as a chromophore. The dimness of iRFP is at least partly due to rapid reduction of BV by biliverdin reductase-A (BLVRA). Here, we established biliverdin reductase-a knockout (Blvra–/–) mice to increase the intracellular BV concentration and, thereby, to enhance iRFP fluorescence intensity. As anticipated, iRFP fluorescence intensity was significantly increased in all examined tissues of Blvra–/– mice. Similarly, the genetically encoded calcium indicator NIR-GECO1, which is engineered based on another NIR FP, mIFP, exhibited a marked increase in fluorescence intensity in mouse embryonic fibroblasts derived from Blvra–/– mice. We expanded this approach to an NIR light-sensing optogenetic tool, the BphP1-PpsR2 system, which also requires BV as a chromophore. Again, deletion of the Blvra gene markedly enhanced the light response in HeLa cells. These results indicate that the Blvra–/– mouse is a versatile tool for the in vivo application of NIR FPs and NIR light-sensing optogenetic tools.Key words: in vivo imaging, near-infrared fluorescent protein, biliverdin, biliverdin reductase, optogenetic tool


外部データベース (DOI)

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SSBD:database has released a new dataset 179-Kobachi-BLVRAactivity https://t.co/2eu8zdvlMR consists of 89 image datasets(3 GB), you can preview them via OMERO; https://t.co/GJXGqZUB0F The original paper is Cell Struct Funct45(2):131-141 https://t.co/oWAiHQTXbp
J-STAGE Articles - Biliverdin Reductase-A Deficiency Brighten and Sensitize Biliverdin-binding Chromoproteins https://t.co/H3E6NAS6PC 昨日、24時間の間にマウスリクエストが2件きた。どこかで誰かが宣伝してくれたんだろう。感謝。
iRFPの発色団のbiliverdin(BV)を還元するbiliverdin reductase-A (BLVRA)のKOマウスで、MEF細胞ではiRFP670、iRFP713、NIR-GECO1が明るくなり、皮膚、腎臓、肝臓、すい臓でiRFP713が~2倍程度の明るさに。 Bph1-PpsR2光遺伝学システムの背景結合も減り、良い光応性が得られた https://t.co/o40xDyiGr1

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