Nobutake Matsuo Tomohiro Ishii John I Takayama Masayuki Miwa Tomonobu Hasegawa
Endocrine Journal (ISSN:09188959)
pp.EJ14-0069, (Released:2014-06-13)
4 21

The present study set forth the reference values for penile size and determined the prevalence of buried penis in Japanese full-term newborns. The stretched penile length was measured and the presence of buried penis was assessed at 1-7 days of age in 547 Japanese full-term newborn infants born between 2008 and 2012 in Tokyo. The stretched penile lengths were compared at 1-12 hours and 1-7 days of age in 63 infants and by two observers in 73 infants to estimate postnatal changes and interobserver variation, respectively. The mean stretched penile length was 3.06 cm (SD, 0.26; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.04-3.08) and the mean ratio of penile length to body length was 6.24×100-1 (SD, 0.55×100-1), both of which were significantly smaller than those in Caucasian newborn infants. Buried penis was identified in 20 of 547 infants (3.7%; 95% CI, 2.1-5.2%). The first measurements of penile length at 1-12 hours were significantly smaller than the next measurements at 1-7 days (95% CI of the difference, 0.22-0.34). The 95% CI for the limits of agreement in the penile lengths measured by the two observers was -0.58 to -0.40 for the lower limit and 0.33 to 0.51 for the upper limit. These findings indicate that the penile length should be assessed after 24 hours of age by the reference standard of the same ethnicity for identifying micropenis and that buried penis is not uncommon in Japanese full-term newborns.


外部データベース (DOI)

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Reference Standard of Penile Size & Prevalence of Buried Penis in Japanese Newborn Male Infants PDF http://t.co/T6A0yXC5Q3 HT @UCSF
Reference Standard of Penile Size & Prevalence of Buried Penis in Japanese Newborn Male Infants PDF http://t.co/8C1LBjzNaT HT @UCSF
Reference Standard of Penile Size & Prevalence of Buried Penis in Japanese Newborn Male Infants PDF http://t.co/FmkdLGS6kS HT @UCSF
Reference Standard of Penile Size & Prevalence of Buried Penis in Japanese Newborn Male Infants PDF http://t.co/tlugs4Lt34 HT @UCSF

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