砂場 拓也
数学教育学研究 : 全国数学教育学会誌 (ISSN:13412620)
vol.9, pp.141-152, 2003 (Released:2019-01-17)

When people think and deal mathematically with various real phenomena to solve the real problem, 'hypothesizing' is indispensable for the problem solving. However, the activity that requires simplification of the activity of real situations and also selection of essential variables in the situations is so hard that mathematics teachers have avoided dealing with it in mathematics class. Therefore, in this paper, we tried to construct mathematics class focused on 'hypothesizing' and to investigate the effectiveness of the class by practicing it. The following is the mathematics class focused on 'hypothesizing' that was suggested in this paper. 1. Show the real problem → 2. Solve the problem mathematically ((1)select some essential variables, (2)collect information from the distributed references → (3)hypothesize and solve the problem mathematically → (4)present the ideas and solutions each other → (5)correct each of the ideas if it is mistake) → 3. Investigate each of the solutions and write a report on the problem solving As a result of this investigation, most of the students could hypothesize and solve the real problem mathematically. However, in '(4)present the ideas and solutions each other', the students didn't discuss each of the ideas actively. In addition they couldn't investigate each of the solutions, because they had no time to do it.


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