鈴木 勝正
社団法人 日本フルードパワーシステム学会
油圧と空気圧 (ISSN:02866900)
vol.13, no.6, pp.417-425, 1982 (Released:2010-10-21)

Oil hammer generates for an instant much greater pressure than that supplied to the pipe line, and this is important, indeed, in terms of the safety of oil hydraulic equipments. If you can take advantage of this phenomenon to pick up only the high pressure for a very short period of time, you will be able to make such a hydraulic pressure intensifier as can convert the oil pressure, produced by a low pressure pump, into several times higher one. In the case of water, a hydraulic ram utilizing this idea by means of waterhammer has been long investigated. However, its discharge pressure is several tenths MPa at most. For the oil hydraulics, to the author's knowledge, no report is available on an intensifier by means of oil hammer. Then, you would need a quite different structure because about one hundred times higher pressure will usually be needed. In the present research, an intensifier on a new principle was developed with a view to convert an oil pressure of several MPa into several times higher one and, moreover, to make more easily than a traditional intensifier consisting of oil cylinders. The discharge volume of the intensifier and the pressure fluctuation in the pipe line are theoretically predictable with a good accuracy.


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