小原 一成
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.116, no.1, pp.114-132, 2007-02-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
3 2

Water affects many geological and geophysical phenomena, for example, earthquake generation. Recently, anomalous earthquakes, which are strongly related to fluid have been detected in a subduction zone by densely distributed geodetic and seismic observation networks. These are called slow earthquakes and are divided into many categories of earthquakes. The long-term slow slip in Tokai or Bungo Channel, which occurs at the subducting plate interface, is a phenomenon with a very long time-constant ranging from months to years. At the deeper part of the long-term slow slip, the short-term slow slip occurs with a period of several days associated with the non-volcanic deep low-frequency tremor in the transition zone on the plate interface in southwest Japan. These slow earthquakes might be related to fluid liberated from the down-going slab by dehydration process. At the shallower part of the subducting plate interface, the very low-frequency earthquakes occur in the accretionary prism near the Nankai trough. These slow earthquakes indicate a weakening of frictional strength at the plate interface and low stress drop due to the existence of fluid.


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ス ロ ー地 震 と水 小 原 一 成* Slow Earthquake Kazushige and https://t.co/7v8UYeXazC 後で読む
@Dr_Poo777 @Boppo2011 @araran100 兼合いがヒントになる、その通りです。深部低周波地震等については以下の129ページ文頭が専門家たちの一致した意見のようです。(真偽のほどはちきゅうが今後明かしてくれる?)https://t.co/pZPn90jTv5

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