竹田 憲生 成瀬 友博 河野 賢哉 服部 敏雄
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.52, no.2, pp.204-209, 2003-02-15 (Released:2009-06-03)
4 4 2

Silicone gel is usually applied to electrical automotive devices to protect them from corrosion. However, under a vibration environment, the silicone gel vibrates bonding wires in the devices, thus, to evaluate the reliability of the devices, the vibration analysis of the gel/wire structure is indispensable. In this study, we clarify the relation between the fatigue life of gel-protected bonding wires and the geometry of the gel and bonding wires experimentally. It was founded that the diameter of wires and the thickness of the gel have a significant influence on fatigue life. Then, we developed a method, based on a vibration analysis model that takes into account the visco-elasticity of a gel, for predicting the fatigue life of the wires. It was confirmed that the predicted fatigue life showed good agreement with the measured fatigue life. Finally, we developed a design tool for easily calculating the fatigue life of the wires. This tool estimates the strain range by using a response surface, i. e., a neural network. As Bayesian regularization was executed in learning of unknown parameters in the neural network, we could make the response surface and ensure good generalization ability.


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