西野 耕一 笠木 伸英 平田 賢 佐田 豊
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.55, no.510, pp.404-412, 1989-02-25 (Released:2008-03-28)
6 8

A technique for measuring instantaneous, three-dimensional velocity components in liquid flows was developed using digital image processing system. This system consists of three TV cameras, a digital image processor, a stroboscope, a laser disk recorder and a 16-bit microcomputer. The three-dimensional displacements of fine particles suspended in the liquid are tracked by the TV cameras and recorded on the laser disk recorder. The recorded image data is later replayed and sent to the image processor, and the three-dimensional velocity field is automatically calculated on the microcomputer. Uncertainty intervals associated with the present technique are systematically evaluated. An unsteady laminar Couette flow between two concentric cylinders, of which the outer cylinder starts to rotate impulsively, is measured by the present technique. The instantaneous velocity profiles measured show good agreement with the analytical solutions within the experimental uncertainty, and thus, the present technique is proven to be applicable to the measurement of unsteady flow. The decay of turbulence generated in a stirred water tank is also measured in good agreement with the theoretical prediction.


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教えて!goo (1 users, 1 posts)

前者回答にもありますように1枚の画像から3次元空間を作りだすのは不可能ですが、違う角度から物体を2枚以上撮れば1台のカメラでも3次元座標を求めることができます。 ただし1台で撮影する場合は静止物体に限ります。物体が動いている場合は2台以上のカメラが必要になります。 一番簡単な方法としては視差という方法を用いて計算することができます。 例えば2台のカメラを水平にdの距離だけ離して置き ...

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