鳴尾 丈司 溝田 武人 下園 仁志
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.70, no.697, pp.2371-2377, 2004-09-25 (Released:2011-03-03)
1 1

A device to rotate a real golf ball at a maximum of 10 000 rpm in the wind with a maximum speed of 80 m/s was developed. Aerodynamic forces and torque acting on the ball were measured under various flight conditions in a wind tunnel flow. As a result, it was found that drag, lift, and torque coefficients under the real conditions depended on the spin parameter but were independent of the Reynolds number. Using the measured aerodynamic force coefficients and a ball initial condition measured by ejection experiments, mathematical calculation of trajectory equation was made by time integral calculus. Ejection experiments were conducted by a robot. The correctness of the trajectory analysis and measured aerodynamic force was verified by comparing the calculated results with measured results.


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