田島 卓
京都ユダヤ思想 (ISSN:21862273)
vol.7, no.2, pp.S10-S37, 2019-06-29 (Released:2022-11-07)

This study examines Buber's unique concept of “Urdistanz” (primordial distance) and tries to show that this concept has been influenced by German philosophers. Philological coincidences reveal that besides referring to Uexküll explicitly, Buber has referred to Scheler and Heidegger implicitly. Buber has used ideas from “Weltoffenheit” (Scheler) and “In-der-Welt-sein” (Heidegger) to form his concept of “Urdistanz”. Therefore, the concept of “Urdistanz” has been formed to explain the close relationship between the being of a human being and the existence of the world as a world.The concept of “Urdistanz” can be detected in section 54 of Ich und Du wherein Buber states that the fundamental duality of the world, whose manifestation for human beings is the duality of Ich-Du/Ich-Es. Buber used the ideas of German philosophers in order to restate the theological description of this section in philosophical terms as the human devotion to the world-creation of God is a critical idea that has prompted him to insist on the close relationship between the world and human being.


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