社団法人 日本脳神経外科学会
Neurologia medico-chirurgica (ISSN:04708105)
vol.49, no.Supplement, pp.S1-S25, 2009 (Released:2009-10-27)
8 22

1. Total Registered Number   1) Number of Primary and Metastatic Brain Tumors   2) Age Distribution of Primary Brain Tumors (1984-2000)   3) Annual Trend of Frequency of Various Brain Tumors   4) Annual Trend of Frequency of Brain Tumors by Age Distribution (1984-2000) 2. Resident Area & Birthplace: All Primary Brain Tumors 3. Frequency of Primary Brain Tumors 4. Age Distribution of Various Brain Tumors (1984-2000) 5. Age Distribution of Brain Tumors by Sites (1984-2000) 6. General Features of Brain Tumors in Children: Age 0-14 7. General Features of Primary Brain Tumors (1984-2000) 8. Mode of Therapy (1984-2000) 9. General Features of Metastatic Brain Tumors (1984-2000)


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