吉田 秀樹 中島 謙二郎 川野 泰広 江口 秀之 中村 義文 日向 博文
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
海洋開発論文集 (ISSN:09127348)
vol.23, pp.709-714, 2007 (Released:2010-08-25)
1 2

The Kyushu Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport has placed four High-Frequency Oceanic Radar System (HF radar) at the Ariake Sea with the aim of regenerating environmental condition, and has observed the surface current and ocean wave situations since 2005.The paper presents (1) the result of study for precision of HF radar observation, (2) the real-time informing system by internet named “The Ariake Sea current and ocean waves information system”, and (3) the development of “The sea garbage movement prediction system” utilized the surface current observation information by the system with the aims of the improving the sea garbage collecting service by the Advanced Anti-Pollution Vessel “KAIKI” as well as the progress of the installing the system. As result of the development, the precision is verified appropriately, and the system has been operated since April, 2007.


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