Yuki NONAKA Takayuki OIKE Shinichiro TANAKA Kazuyuki TABIRA
Japanese Society of Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy Research (ISSN:21898448)
pp.E10187, (Released:2022-12-28)

Objective: We aimed to examine the relationship between physical performance and readmission among older patients with heart failure (HF) over the past year. Methods: This retrospective cohort study included 325 patients with HF who were aged ≥65 years and were hospitalized for acute exacerbation between November 2017 and December 2021. We investigated age, sex, body mass index, length of hospital stay, initiation of rehabilitation, New York Heart Association (NYHA) class, Charlson comorbidity index (CCI) score, medications, cardiac/renal function, nutrition, maximal quadriceps isometric strength, grip strength, and Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) score. Data were analyzed using the χ2 test, Mann–Whitney U test, and logistic regression analysis. Results: Altogether, 108 patients met the inclusion criteria and were divided into the non-readmission (n = 76) and readmission (n = 32) groups. The readmission group exhibited longer hospital stay, more severe NYHA class, higher CCI score, higher brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels, lower muscle strength, and lower SPPB score compared to the non-readmission group. In the logistic regression model, BNP level and SPPB score were independent factors associated with readmission. Conclusion: BNP level and SPPB score were associated with readmission in patients with HF within the past year.


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昨年12月に論文が2本publishされました!1本目は修士時代の研究をベースに、高齢心不全患者の再入院の要因を調査しました。本研究結果を元に博士研究へと発展させました。 周りへの感謝を忘れず毎日コツコツと頑張っていきます! https://t.co/LMzCol8OJV
弊センター 野中裕樹氏(臨床研究員 PT)の論文が、Physical Therapy Researchより早期公開となりました。先日パブリッシュされた論文(Nonaka, Heart & Vessels 2022)と合わせ、今後は認知機能にフォーカスした臨床研究へと展開していくとのこと( ^ω^ )楽しみです! https://t.co/6ulFy05zFH

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