矢嶋 澄策
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鑛業會誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.68, no.770, pp.341-346, 1952-08-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

In this paper, the writer first makes a historical research of mercury mining in Japan.Japan had stbstantial mercury production as early as 7th century, but since then the production showed downward trend and become none in and after 16th century, chiefly due to the lack of geological knowledge and mining engineering. Sine the beginning of this century, a number of new mercury mines were discovered, which brought forth a few tons of mercury only. But the discovery of the Itomuka mine in 1936 changed the whole feature. During the Pacific War, the mercury production in Japan showed peak production of 245 metric tons in 1944, 80 percent of which from the Itomuka mine. But the end of war cut the production sharply again, the Itomuka mine operating only.However, according to the writer's study, it is possible to vaise the production again.The writer states his geological and mineralogical study on the structures and origins of Japan-ese mercury mines, suggests advisable principles for prospection and illustrates profitable methods of mining, dressing and smelting for smaller mines from his 15 years study and experience at Itomuka mine. Then the writer con ludes that Japanese mercury mines, maney but comparably small and low-graded, will be able to meet domestic requirement not in the long future, if they are operated after study of special treatment.


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@tett_k2 これを見ると昭和20年まで相当な量の産出があったようなので、本格調査する価値がある気がします。 https://t.co/OYBmUQ9PK9

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