浅海 宣慶 大槻 晃義
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
日本鉱業会誌 (ISSN:03694194)
vol.100, no.1160, pp.900-904, 1984-10-25 (Released:2011-07-13)

Matsumine deposit, located in the northern part of Odate basin, Akita Prefecture, is a large scale Kuroko deposit. This deposit was discovered in 1963. The development work was started in July 1964, and the production was started in October 1966, at the rate of 20, 000 tons/month. Current production rate is 40, 000 tons/month, and it is the largest copper supplier in Japan.The Kuroko generally consists of black ore, yellow ore (cupriferous pyrite ore) and siliceous ore. The black ore (Kuroko) is a black coloured ore consisting mainly of sphalerite, garena and barite, and rich in gold and silver, too. The yellow ore is a yellow massive powdery ore comprising mainly chalcopyrite and pyrite. The siliceous ore which is rich in silica is divided into two types, one containing considerable amount of chalcopyrite and pyrite, and the other with a high sphalerite content.The mining method applied is “The underhand cut and fill with artificial roofing”. Once a unit block of ore is mined out in a stope, iron reinforcing bars are laid on the floor, and a 15 percent cemented mortar mixed with mill tailings and volcanic ash is pumped over the bars up to 0.6 meter thickness. Then, the space above the layer is filled with the 3 percent cemented sand slime. This reinforced mortar serves as an artificial roof when ores below are mined next. In 1982, the conventional battery locomotive and tub system was partly replaced by the trackless system with L. H. D.


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