庄林 愛 小倉 有子 神田 雅子 加藤 奈々 秦 沙知 伊賀 大八 井上 好文
一般社団法人 日本食育学会
日本食育学会誌 (ISSN:18824773)
vol.13, no.2, pp.113-122, 2019-04-25 (Released:2019-08-02)

We analyzed factors affecting nutrition literacy using the awareness and the expected nutritional effects of gluten-free food as evaluation indices among 1,624 female university students. Data analyses were performed using SPSS software (IBM). We applied recognition of the term ‘gluten-free food’ as an index of functional nutritional literacy, experience of seeing actual goods and eating experience as indices of interactive nutritional literacy, and expected nutritional effects as an index of critical nutritional literacy. Their department at university (p<0.001), information sources concerning weight loss, beauty, and health, such as social networking service (SNS) (p=0,014), websites (p=0.002), and magazines (p<0.001), and interest in weight loss (p<0.001) were significantly positively associated with functional literacy. Regarding the expected nutritional effects of gluten-free food, their department at university (p=0.013), and their friends and acquaintances as information sources concerning weight loss, beauty, and health (p=0.042) were significantly positively associated, whereas, websites (p=0.027) and magazines (p=0.001) as information sources were significantly negatively associated. Participants may have had a lower critical literacy than functional literacy because of their low percentages of correct answers about the expected nutritional effects of gluten-free food. This study suggested that university departments, information sources concerning weight loss, beauty, and health, and interest in weight loss influence nutritional literacy.


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