Daniel P. Aldrich urbani (@DanielPAldrich)


New #article from Miki and Ito: Appropriate Health Management Considering the Vulnerability of Women during Disasters https://t.co/9BOkpl9F25
Further because of the #nuclear accident, several 1000 elderly residents near the #Fukushima nuclear power plant died during the forced evacuation. https://t.co/YvNRHU0tpt
包括的な災害復興評価に向けた予備研究: 本論文では,既存の災害復興理論および復興評価と,コミュニティレベルにおける実際の復興事例述べる.災害復興評価に関する既往研究は,住宅やインフラなどの定量的な指標に焦点を当てているhttps://t.co/keBpaftUzh @h_hasegawa1 @discardedbacon
MT https://t.co/5BSlBvEK4z 移住女性の震災経験から問う日本の課題 @h_hasegawa1 @myamadakg @yasusawada @facklernyt @TokyoWoods @Remmid @m_older @maly_liz
MT https://t.co/gHSjSHMCkE modeling #disaster choices by #displaced people @UNISDRjwf @100ResCities @BostonAtyia @ASAnews @PHEgov @m_older
MT https://t.co/UbSmzHP06r 地域のソーシャル・キャピタルは災害時の共助を促進するか―東日本大震災被災地調査に基づく実証分析 @discardedbacon @h_hasegawa1 @myamadakg @TokyoWoods @Remmid
MT http://t.co/NXrf1IXMT3 paper: #birthdefects and other issues at same level in #Fukushima as around #Japan @h_hasegawa1 @facklernyt


Check out "Who Pays? Cost-Sharing for #Disaster Management in the #US and #Japan" by Mikio Ishiwatari, @DanielPAldrich, and Daisuke Sasaki in the Journal of Disaster Research at https://t.co/rJpZ81i5pC.

