Compare High and Low intensity laser therapy for primary dysmenorrhea. N=30. Both groups demonstrate sig pain reduction at the end of treatment sessions but no sig difference between the 2 approaches: Thabet et al (2021) J Phys Ther Sci 33(9):695
Review: Electro Physical Agents (EPAs) effect on muscle healing. Mainly animal model work - which I don't normally post, but this has US, LIPUS, heat, cold, E Stim + microcurrent - so will keep you busy for a while: Sakamoto (2021) Phys Ther Res 24:1
Combine muscle stim (NMES) + resistance exercise post knee arthroplasty. N=53, compare against standard rehab. Std rehab demonstrate loss quads strength, stim group do not + also improved function in stim group: Tsukada et al (2020) Kurume Med J 65(4):145
TENS (noxious, non-noxious, combined or sham) for pain relief post wisdom tooth extraction. RCT, N=44. Single (20 min) TENS session. Combining noxious + non-noxious stim is significantly most effective: Fujii-Abe et al (2019) J Oral Sci 61(2):364
Review: Electrical Stimulation of the posterior tibial nerve for overactive bladder. 15 papers considered. Concludes that it is both effective + well tolerated. As ever, more research needed: Garcia +Pereira (2018) J Phys Ther Sci 30(10):1333
Review: Balneotherapy role in rehabilitation. Don't often see papers covering this topic so might be a useful one for the library: Matsumoto (2018) J Nippon Med Sch 85(4):196
Combine LED light based therapy with Microcurrent - effects on muscle tone + stiffness post exercise. Effective, but benefits are short term: Han + Lee (2018) J Phys Ther Sci 30(6):816
Use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on depression, visual perception and ADL post stroke. 4 week intervention. Positive outcomes at end treatment + 4 week follow up. Kim et al (2017) J Phys Ther Sci 29(6):1036
Repeated local vibration stimulation to wrist + elbow flexors post stroke (30 mins, 3 x weekly, 4 weeks). Significant effect on dexterity. Small study but interesting results: Choi (2017) J Phys Ther Sci 29(4):605
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation as an adjunct to rehab ex's (not a replacement) is effective in enhancing voluntary muscle (quads) contraction post knee injury/surgery. Controlled study: Lee + Lee (2017). J Phys Ther Sci 29(4):733
Add Whole body vibration (WBV) to posture control training effective (muscle + cortical effects) for patients post stroke: Uhm + Yang (2018) J Phys Ther Sci 30(2):300
Interesting case study with E Stim being used in combination with regular dysphagia therapy for an elderly patient post stroke. Good effect it would seem using some strong outcomes: Lee et al (2017) J Phys Ther Sci 29(3):556
Breathing Exercise with or without transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in chronic stroke. Exercise alone is effective. Adding the tDCS has additional benefit: Lee et al (2017. J Phys Ther Sci 29(3) 527
High Intensity Laser added to conservative therapy for pain + function in chronic low back pain patients. Small study but results suggests that it makes a useful (sig) contribution to pain + function scores: Choi et al (2017) J Phys Ther Sci 29(6):1079
Transcranial Direct Current Stim (tDCS) for depression + quality of life issues post stroke. 2 groups Both get standard intervention. 1 gets additional real tDCS, other gets sham. tDCS has sig beneficial effect: An et al (2017) J Phys Ther Sci 29(3):505
Using vibration before or after exercise induced muscle damage (or control). Vibration pre exercise most beneficial. Limits exercise muscle damage effects: Kim et al (2017) J Phys Ther Sci 29(1):119
Shockwave for pain (VAS) + function (WOMAC) for patients with degenerative arthritis. Sig effect on both outcomes over regular care: Lee et al (2017) J Phys Ther Sci 29(3):536
Useful comparison of High Intensity Laser + Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy in primary dysmenorrhea. Both give significant benefits. Laser seems to have the edge in this comparison: Thabet et al (2017) J Phys Ther Sci 29(10):1742
Functional Elec Stim (FES) to tib anterior has a positive effect on gastrocnemius muscle tone + stiffness post stroke. (35Hz; 8 sec ON 11 sec OFF; 30 min daily for 6 weeks). Small study but useful results: Moon et al (2017) J Phys Ther Sci 29(2):238
NMES (Muscle Stim) effect on lip strength + mouth closure post stroke. Small study but interesting (positive) results. Could be a useful technique for patients with a particular clinical problem? Oh et al (2017) J Phys Ther Sci 29(11): 1974-1975
TENS + FES stimulation delivered alongside exercise - looking at effect on gait post stroke. FES has a sig effect cadence + walk speed - as one might expect: Park + Wang (2017) J Phys Ther Sci 29(12):2212
Effect of TENS on 6 min walk test + assoc responses in patients with chronic heart failure. Sig effect walking distance + fatigue. Confirms previous findings with this patient group. Useful adjunct: Ganguie et al (2017) J Phys Ther Sci 29(12):2133
Shockwave (vs Sham) effect on upper limb muscle tone in chronic stroke. Shockwave had a sig effect in increasing tone in this patient group. Potentially useful when low tone clinical presentations?: Park et al (2018) J Phys Ther Sci 30(3):361
Shockwave (4 sessions) vs Ultrasound (10 sessions) vs Sham in Myofascial Pain Syndrome. Both the verum treatments provided significant benefit compared with sham. Shockwave + Ultrasound equally effective: Akturk et al (2018) J Phys Ther Sci 30(3):448
Interesting paper on the effect of Interferential on 'forward head' posture. when compared with controls. Could have clinical use? Choi et al (2018) J Phys Ther Sci 30(3):398
Microcurrent vs cryotherapy early intervention post rotator cuff surgery. Effects on pain + inflammation. Looks like the cryotherapy group did better: Kang et al (2018) J Phys Ther Sci 30(1):37
TENS applied to contralateral side or to the neck or both for wrist pain. All effective. No significant difference between options. Confirms that spinal level + contralateral options are valid: Kawamura et al (2017) J Phys Ther Sci 29(11):1996
TENS with or without Heat / Cold for OA Knee. All have useful effect on pain. TENS + Heat has additional benefits on balance + gait: Maeda et al (2017) J Phys Ther Sci 29(10):1860
Whole Body Vibration combined with stretching effect on spasticity + muscle performance in children + adolescents with cerebral palsy. Beneficial outcomes: Tupimai et al (2016) J Phys Ther Sci 28(1):7
Laser + inspiratory muscle training in COPD looking at inflammatory + immune factors. Both effective. Laser has an edge: Mehani (2017) J Phys Ther Sci 29(9):1527