JAMACardiolJapan (@JamaJapan)


RT @biorheology333: J-STAGE Articles - Optimal preparation for gluten-free rice bread https://t.co/OdZrJn5zlt This paper is also come from…
RT @biorheology333: J-STAGE Articles - Effect of resistant starch type 4 from different starch sources on the physical properties and palat…
J-STAGE Articles - Development of Novel Artificial Intelligence to Detect the Presence of Clinically Meaningful Coronary Atherosclerotic Stenosis in Major Branch from Coronary Angiography Video https://t.co/yvOzJmpjCO


J-STAGE Articles - Effect of resistant starch type 4 from different starch sources on the physical properties and palatability of bread https://t.co/iOHtdqAAnI This paper is also come from the latest issue of JBR!
J-STAGE Articles - Optimal preparation for gluten-free rice bread https://t.co/OdZrJn5zlt This paper is also come from the latest issue in JBR. Biorheology include food science!

