Jan de Jonge (@JandJonge)


En ook voldoende tijd en ruimte voor mentaal en fysiek herstel voor zorgverleners, zowel tijdens als na het werk: https://t.co/rak3TRWR9x https://t.co/cWWvvXzxiF
The final version of my paper entitled “What makes a good work break? Off-job and on-job recovery as predictors of employee health” is published online in Industrial Health. https://t.co/k1I3q2Y1L0
@Gozde786 Sure! It’s open acces. Link: https://t.co/iowfFORPOf Enjoy reading!
Advance publication: “What makes a good work break? Off-job and on-job recovery as predictors of employee health.” #recovery #detachment #employeehealth https://t.co/imYFHxuJCc


